Help button freezing game after maintenance [Merged]



  • mydnightmydnight Member Posts: 671 ★★★
    The Rena is broke.
  • KaLydeKaLyde Member Posts: 14
    vid of disco when clicking alliance help 4 button
  • bpunk88bpunk88 Member Posts: 184 ★★★
    Same issue as others with the disconnect on help requests in the Alliance tab

    Problem seems to be the 1,000 loyalty limit. Try helping 1 by 1 to get past 1,000.. then Help 4 should work again. It did for me anyway.

    Still no improvement in requesting help in arena, refreshing champs still stuck at top until another action is taken.

    Please get rid of this trash functionality
  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,540 ★★★★
    edited October 2020

    Same here... I press that button and game says I’m disconnected

    Same, when the 'help4' reaches 960, if you tapped 'help4' again it immediately disconnect you.. but if you just click on one of the 'help' besides any random champion, it resets and the 'help4' works normally again..

    what other bug surprises are there? more missing button presses (block, parry, dex, special not firing immediately) or lags (slow delayed activation of commands) in quest, AQ, AW (allowing freebie hits for AI) tricky way to make us use potions and revives.. it can help win or lose AW.. ya know!
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,279 Guardian

    Given all he issues surrounding help requests after maintenance it’s a safe bet they are working on implementing it but there are hiccups.

    Pretty obvious stuff is happening but they won’t say anything until the kinks are worked out.

    Why is that pic showing Max helps at 28 or 29 as well ? (And not even consistent as to either 28 or 29).

    Planning on making it something where EVERY other person in alliance can give a Help to a champ, no matter how long it takes or how many others have already helped ??

    And 28 vs 29 is that person's Ally was 1 person short for a while and then brought in a 30th person while above Pic was doing their Arena ??
  • KrueLeeKrueLee Member Posts: 52
    Same here 😊
  • MagicBentonMagicBenton Member Posts: 290 ★★★
    I'm guessing they are realizing why it was scrapped after initial release and put on hold for the past 4 years. They need to just get rid of the help system completely. It's useless and causes so many issues. Make something else reduce arena refresh time, like logging in on consecutive days or something.
  • HULK_BREAKHULK_BREAK Member Posts: 374

    if not crash before....
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★

    Given all he issues surrounding help requests after maintenance it’s a safe bet they are working on implementing it but there are hiccups.

    Pretty obvious stuff is happening but they won’t say anything until the kinks are worked out.

    Why is that pic showing Max helps at 28 or 29 as well ? (And not even consistent as to either 28 or 29).

    Planning on making it something where EVERY other person in alliance can give a Help to a champ, no matter how long it takes or how many others have already helped ??

    And 28 vs 29 is that person's Ally was 1 person short for a while and then brought in a 30th person while above Pic was doing their Arena ??
    The 28 is likely due to the alliance being down a member at the time I requested those helps. And the 29 is because you cannot help yourself.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,279 Guardian

    Given all he issues surrounding help requests after maintenance it’s a safe bet they are working on implementing it but there are hiccups.

    Pretty obvious stuff is happening but they won’t say anything until the kinks are worked out.

    Why is that pic showing Max helps at 28 or 29 as well ? (And not even consistent as to either 28 or 29).

    Planning on making it something where EVERY other person in alliance can give a Help to a champ, no matter how long it takes or how many others have already helped ??

    And 28 vs 29 is that person's Ally was 1 person short for a while and then brought in a 30th person while above Pic was doing their Arena ??
    The 28 is likely due to the alliance being down a member at the time I requested those helps. And the 29 is because you cannot help yourself.
    Well, yes, as to why it ain’t 30, lol. 😀
    But compared to it always being 5 (for arena) and 10 (for energy) previously. This was first time I’ve seen a pic suggesting they are gonna make it have a count for everyone (else) in alliance.

    Which means they better be including some other “mass help” (or automatic) type of functionality. Maybe helps will be limited to just once per day for each champ, instead of helps reappearing for same champ every several hours (for 4*) for heavy arena grinders.
  • AJ_Engel30AJ_Engel30 Member Posts: 171
    3x in last 15 minutes I have been disconnected instantly after clicking the Help Button. I have video if needed.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 10,715 ★★★★★
    Can we please get a fix it a full of bugs and nightmare to even grinding with this’ll one why is it there can’t delete this danmit help button it just a waste of time.
  • GarryDKGarryDK Member Posts: 135 ★★
    Game crashes every time I press help. Comes up there’s a connection issue and resets the game.
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 964 ★★★★

    Also have the same problem on both,

    Requestes Help champs still stay on top.


    Clicking Help in Alliance crashed the game

    It is funny, Kabam said the emergency maintenance was to prevent "certain thing" from causing problem in the future, but after the maintenance, the game is even more unstable.

    It have not been a good month for game stability
  • BigManOnCampusBigManOnCampus Member Posts: 376 ★★★
    MikeHock said:

    It’s not even the help button that is the major pain. It’s actually ASKING for help with each hero after you’ve finished the arena match that is so tedious , pointless and time consuming.

    I agree , i don't know why they wont just get rid of the whole help system...It's just unnecessary labor for the summoner's.. Come up with something better for loyalty , add it to the calendar or quest..
  • kfd2010kfd2010 Member Posts: 423 ★★

    MikeHock said:

    It’s not even the help button that is the major pain. It’s actually ASKING for help with each hero after you’ve finished the arena match that is so tedious , pointless and time consuming.

    I agree , i don't know why they wont just get rid of the whole help system...It's just unnecessary labor for the summoner's.. Come up with something better for loyalty , add it to the calendar or quest..
    I definitely agree with this. At this point the whole layout of it is just poor. It's mindless clicking when you roll in and there are 130 requests theree. Many times you push "help four" and it helps one or helps none.

    So either shorten arena time or offer a daily boost where you can automatically cut down your recharge time for a certain amount of time. Or a way to earn arena charge boosts/energy recharge boosts - like putting them in the fancy new solo crystal or as milestones in solo events.
  • JMORG1111JMORG1111 Member Posts: 178 ★★
    Still a problem. It freezes my game as soon as i click the first help after 5 or so rounds. Also even when the game doesnt freeze i see the first champ there until i start selecting a team or do a filter.
  • DanthexmanDanthexman Member Posts: 197
    does anyone have trouble with their game disconnecting when trying to help on the alliance help screen? Only just started happening but it keeps happening. Have tried notifying kabam but it won't accept my report. ( i may be doing that wrong). Using a galaxy s10.
  • Theflashseas10Theflashseas10 Member Posts: 152
    Every time when you hit help button game crash
    Need fix kabam
    And Perry doesn’t work all the time
  • BlaccLotus1BlaccLotus1 Member Posts: 15
    Yep having the same exact problem whenever I hit the help button and when requesting help.
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 876 ★★★★
    Same problem here and a few guys in my alliance having same problem.

    On a positive note, the game has been running really smooth on iOS since the maintenance yesterday.
  • Destroy4589Destroy4589 Member Posts: 261 ★★★
    Yea me too. Everytime I press help all, I get disconnected
  • DanthexmanDanthexman Member Posts: 197
    DNA3000 said:

    Since yesterday's emergency maintenance multiple people have reported issues with the game either crashing, disconnecting, or freezing when they are either requesting help for a champ in the arena or giving help to help requests in the alliance screen. Kabam is aware of the problem, but I haven't heard anything about what the potential fix might be or when it might land yet.

    Thanks for that. Thought it might’ve had something to do with that fix the other day
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    Agreed,..every time I go to help my alliance teammates I lose connection ,..idk what’s up with that,...just not gonna tap help anymore cause it’s annoying .
  • TMazeTMaze Member Posts: 21
    Same problem with help button
  • Dino7878Dino7878 Member Posts: 32
    Game keeps hanging AFTER emergency maintenance which was suppose to fix bugs and issues. hmm.
  • Wiredawg1Wiredawg1 Member Posts: 504 ★★★★
    @Kabam Miike any update on this? We can’t even ask for help on champs in arena either
  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
    It's now called HELP crash button.
    It will freeze your game and need to restart LOL
  • Luis7506Luis7506 Member Posts: 1

    I have help at 960 right now. When I click the “help 4” button I get immediately disconnected. It’s happened 6 times in a row now.
    But, when I did two individual helps and got it to 1000 then the “help 4” button worked fine.

    Igual tá a acontecer comigo
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