6 star, r2?

AquaflashAquaflash Member Posts: 47
All of these are unawakened. Which one would you rank?

6 star, r2? 12 votes

Human Torch
Jmille85udyedagainavenge_123 3 votes
Magneto (Red)
Kill_GreyEtjamaSoyheyor123TrashPanda12aroseinbloom39[Deleted User] 6 votes
SazedSkullPiraterjjuni 3 votes


  • AquaflashAquaflash Member Posts: 47
    Honestly, those were the 2 I was really considering. I also don’t have Omega Red for the Colossus synergy. I just threw him out there to see what if he got any votes lol
  • avenge_123avenge_123 Member Posts: 1,307 ★★★
    Human Torch
    HT is beast,mags is beast,col is beast,but since col is unawakened
  • TrashPanda12TrashPanda12 Member Posts: 531 ★★★
    Magneto (Red)
    Really tough decision. None of them NEED their awakened ability, but HT and Mags benefit less from it than col. Torch kills mystics, mags kills metal. I chose Mags just because, they are all amazing
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