(That One Group) Life First Alliance LF a few great players

Hello, we’re an empire of 4 different alliances currently have free spots in each one. If your a beginner looking to learn a thu f or two or advanced and ready to grind we have a place for you.
4RYA1- AQ maps 55444 AW tier 5. Weekly SA and completion.
4RYA2- AQ maps 44333 AW tier 8-10. Weekly SA completion.
4RYA3- AQ maps 33322 War tier 12. Weekly SA.
4RYA4- AQ maps 22111 no specific tier for AW. Weekly SA.
Here at our Empire we understand life comes first all we ask from you is good communication skills And loyalty. We are a well oiled machine looking for a few extra players to keep progression moving.
Add me on line- ragnsraxe22
4RYA1- AQ maps 55444 AW tier 5. Weekly SA and completion.
4RYA2- AQ maps 44333 AW tier 8-10. Weekly SA completion.
4RYA3- AQ maps 33322 War tier 12. Weekly SA.
4RYA4- AQ maps 22111 no specific tier for AW. Weekly SA.
Here at our Empire we understand life comes first all we ask from you is good communication skills And loyalty. We are a well oiled machine looking for a few extra players to keep progression moving.
Add me on line- ragnsraxe22