Title Rewards for anniversary gift

Quick question if you have not claimed the anniversary gift yet and move up in titles will the rewards change to reflecting the new title? For example if I go from uncollected to cavalier or cavalier to thronebreaker will i get the anniversary gifts for them if I havent claimed them?


  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,742 ★★★★★
    Egor_135 said:

    No the items in your mail wont change

    In the past this has been wrong. Even if you claim the gift and then move up a progression level you should get the new gift. This is how it’s worked in the past but it’s not guaranteed to work again. Either way, you should claim your gift at your current progression level. That won’t affect anything regarding other rewards.
  • Count_draculaCount_dracula Member Posts: 13
    Interesting ok well I'm about to hit cavalier so hopefully i get the rest of the rewards
  • Count_draculaCount_dracula Member Posts: 13
    Didn't get the rewards sad day
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