Introducing your first Experience with 6-Star Champions: The Boss Rush Challenge! [UPDATED Oct 17]



  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    Hopefully Mephisto will be incinerate immune to Mephisto? Sure wish there was at least a 4* awakening crystal. Oh well. If the rewards are in line with the difficulty this shouldn't be to bad.
  • StavelotXoteStavelotXote Member Posts: 231
    Ok so after reading this, I don't understand the point. This is not an introduction to 6-star champions if the Adrenaline mechanic is off. This is just fighting rank 4 5*s on light steroids. How valid is this "data" collected going to be for you? How accurate can our feedback be?

    If the point of this exercise is to evaluate the addition of 6* heroes into late-game story and event quests, I can say that I think you have already failed with this. There is no way for us to see how the Adrenaline mechanic works, which I'm sure will be magically buffed up by global recovery nodes and the like once they join officially. I feel like I've done this dance before, and I am used to having my toes stepped on at this point, so I will curb my enthusiasm.

    On the upside, I do like the rewards considering the effort required. No complaint here about that. It is nice to have something extra to do. Buy this is not a true rollout of 6*s. This is a soft (as hell) release.
  • SaiyanSaiyan Member Posts: 727 ★★★★
    Rotmgmoddy wrote: »
    Kabam Doot wrote: »

    These Champions will not have the Adrenaline mechanic enabled

    Since this is the first time you’ll all be encountering 6-Star Champions, we’re going to be keeping a very close eye on this Quest. We’ll be carefully evaluating game data, and will be gathering your feedback and thoughts on 6-Stars to help us fine tune them before they are released.

    Your first chance to give us feedback on 6-Star Champions as well! We want to know how you found their difficulty level, your thoughts on how your specific Champions performed against Six-Stars, and any other thoughts or feedback you’d like to share with us!

    Sorry but I don't really understand this.

    So you are introducing us with the first 6* champions so that we can fight them and give you guys some feedback on their difficulty so that you can tune them before they are released.

    Yet, by removing the adrenaline mechanic, these 6* champions are practically just 5* champs with massive boosts on excluding the challenger rating. You want us to test fight against these 6* champs, when the one unique thing about them, which is the adrenaline mechanic, is disabled? So how exactly are you going to identify for yourself that adrenaline is currently balanced in your coding when you omit it out of this challenge, hence we are not able to test out this mechanic?

    I really don't get it.

    Wouldn't matter anyway, a champ with the attack rating of these 6*s would kill any champ with a SP3 other than Iceman, Gwenpool and maybe the Mags. I see your point but it wouldn't matter in about 95% of the fights.
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    Ok so after reading this, I don't understand the point. This is not an introduction to 6-star champions if the Adrenaline mechanic is off. This is just fighting rank 4 5*s on light steroids. How valid is this "data" collected going to be for you? How accurate can our feedback be?

    If the point of this exercise is to evaluate the addition of 6* heroes into late-game story and event quests, I can say that I think you have already failed with this. There is no way for us to see how the Adrenaline mechanic works, which I'm sure will be magically buffed up by global recovery nodes and the like once they join officially. I feel like I've done this dance before, and I am used to having my toes stepped on at this point, so I will curb my enthusiasm.

    On the upside, I do like the rewards considering the effort required. No complaint here about that. It is nice to have something extra to do. Buy this is not a true rollout of 6*s. This is a soft (as hell) release.

    Couldn't agree with you any better than that, even I mentioned that out too.

    Come on Kabam, activate that adrenaline mechanic, and if you think that makes things significantly more difficult, perhaps you could "fine tune" those nodes or give higher rewards. We want to see how this mechanic works, it's just the same ol' challenge if you omit that out.
  • kconrad37kconrad37 Member Posts: 160 ★★
    Rotmgmoddy wrote: »
    Kabam Doot wrote: »

    These Champions will not have the Adrenaline mechanic enabled

    Since this is the first time you’ll all be encountering 6-Star Champions, we’re going to be keeping a very close eye on this Quest. We’ll be carefully evaluating game data, and will be gathering your feedback and thoughts on 6-Stars to help us fine tune them before they are released.

    Your first chance to give us feedback on 6-Star Champions as well! We want to know how you found their difficulty level, your thoughts on how your specific Champions performed against Six-Stars, and any other thoughts or feedback you’d like to share with us!

    Sorry but I don't really understand this.

    So you are introducing us with the first 6* champions so that we can fight them and give you guys some feedback on their difficulty so that you can tune them before they are released.

    Yet, by removing the adrenaline mechanic, these 6* champions are practically just 5* champs with massive boosts on excluding the challenger rating. You want us to test fight against these 6* champs, when the one unique thing about them, which is the adrenaline mechanic, is disabled? So how exactly are you going to identify for yourself that adrenaline is currently balanced in your coding when you omit it out of this challenge, hence we are not able to test out this mechanic?

    I really don't get it.

    Wasn't the Adrenaline mechanic tied to their L3? I feel like if we get to their L3 in these fights, it's over, Adrenaline or not. Maybe that's why it's been disabled.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,675 ★★★★★
    I doubt the adrenaline mechanic is ready to be activated even if they wanted to lol.
  • hurricanthurricant Member Posts: 602 ★★★★
    Most of it sounds fun, but you've added Mephisto.
    A lot of players won't have an Iceman, so how do you expect them to defeat him without spending a **** ton of units?
    And since you've added him, the rewards don't fit the difficulty for people without an Iceman

    This is the whole reason SW was nerfed. It's the haves vs the have-nots. If you have a champ, you can clear content designed for that champ easily. If you don't, well then too bad
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,675 ★★★★★
    Biro wrote: »
    I was happy I saw the rewards I said **** offf it doesn't deserve that pain
    Rewards are very disappointing
    There should be a 5* awakening at least to pay back people who have badluck in opening 5* crystal like me

    A 5* awakening for a 10 minute quest?
  • CheekoCheeko Member Posts: 1
    Are we, the not so good players, just goin to stare on that event for it is too difficult on our part. Is the experience only for pro players? My eyes will be sore for a week or two. Not so good rewards to push our limits after all.
  • edited October 2017
    This content has been removed.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 7,125 ★★★★★
    I'm actually can't wait for this especially to see what board 6 stars have and also will we see other challenges soon
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,771 ★★★★★
    Lol, removing mine and others posts but leaving other, similar posts.

    Anyway, who is really looking forward to fighting a boosted 6* Mephisto?
  • HawkAltheideHawkAltheide Member Posts: 4
    Wow.. do you guys really not think before releasing stuff. Testing out 6 stars and collecting data would require players fighting with them. Not just an AI we are fighting!!!! The Mechanical Adrenaline is a Hugh factor. Unless players have Iceman or a Dupped Vulture fighting Mephisto is going to really be frustrating especially at those challenger lvl. I really think so rethinking should be done prior to the 18th. And REWARDS ARE BETTER IN MASTER QUEST!!!!!. Last special events awakening gems were rewarded. If your going to introduce 6 stars. Then 5 star shards need to start being more readily available to obtain. 1k isn't enough for that level or game play your talking about.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,269
    How can we give any reasonable feedback on 6* champs when the ones we will be facing are all buffed up from whatever node?

    Good question! These are the kinds of nodes you guys are used to seeing on 5-Star Champions that we already feature in more difficult content. So, while not a direct comparison against a Vanilla 5-Star Champion, this kind of content is already very common in game, and is quite comparable.
  • kconrad37kconrad37 Member Posts: 160 ★★
    This is outrageous! It's a slap in the face! Whine whine complain complain! Don't give us any new content until the bugs are all fixed! We need full 5* crystals, awakening gems and T2 alphas for 10 minute quests! T5 basics too while you are at it! It's going to cost 1000s of units for each fight! And we need one month per fight!

    I almost took you seriously for a second. I think the rewards are just slightly too low for the challenge. Maybe 25% of a 5* crystal? Hell, I'll even take 275 6* shards.
  • roastedbagelroastedbagel Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    So the one big challenge that Android users actually have a shot at legend title doesn't get a legend run chance. Super.
  • SvainSvain Member Posts: 453 ★★
    Are the current game breaking bugs in the game going or at least attempted to be fixed before this is released?
  • The_ShowsquatchThe_Showsquatch Member Posts: 1
    Those rewards are ****! C’mon Kabam, how about 5* crystal, awakening gem, units, and sig crystals. That seems more appropriate since end game is going the way of 5* dependency, and since you’ve blown so much in the past and still give us **** rewards we’re supposed to do your jobs again and tell you how to make the content. How bout getting testers that actually play if you wanna give us garbage and tell you how to fix your game.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 7,125 ★★★★★
    edited October 2017
    Can we maybe change ghost rider since we all know he isn't a hard champ unless he has a sequence node and let alone the others like crossbones he can shrug off parry blade new but his sp2 can so damage green goblin that regen is insane morningstar annoying if caught by sp1 and bleed is annoying to get off her and mephisto with his aura makes him hard these make it difficult then looking at ghost rider can we change him for maybe a magik or even av
  • GrimmbearGrimmbear Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    Lmao @ all the people who haven't even tried the challenge complaining. If you don't like the rewards dont do it, not like it's required. And no, this won't even be a difficult challenge from the look of it.
  • CMcD703CMcD703 Member Posts: 1
    Those rewards are trash. Plain and simple.
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