
My last few posts have been deleted but here's another one. This system is completely broken this season. There has to be something done about war rating when matchmaking because these alliances we've been facing are ridiculously stacked and op. We don't stand a chance in competing with the whales of the game. This is suppose to be fun right? I'm always up for a challenge and thats why I play this game but this is a complete kick in the you know what this season. I hope this is figured out soon 😂
That's how it works.
All in all, don't take over dead alliances with high war ratings. You'll get back down to your punching level soon enough. You aren't going to win many wars in plat 2. I'd be curious to see your W/L history.
Have to go into their actual Alliance page to see what they really are (as he posted his Pic afterward, G1/G3)
(although as far as the matchups, agree with what everyone else is saying. Could be opponent had started relaxing a bit and not taking as seriously so their WR had dropped some. In addition to OP's WR maybe having exceeded their equilibrium spot so are now matching against some higher teams until they lose some, like a See-Saw).
If you'd only face evenly matched alliances and win them all you can end up in Master. Thats how it was before, that was broken. Matchmaking now works as it's supposed to.
If the teacher does the same, the parents step in and complain to head of school.