CAIW just sucks

MarshMarloMarshMarlo Member Posts: 243 ★★★

For someone who doesn't have a decent counter with 6.3.6 CAIW, I want to say that I had more fun with The Champion in 6.2.

And yes, due to lack of counter; I heavily relied with rng with Collosus.

But hey. I still remain The Dude that kept on getting Cosmic Champs. Again. And. Again. And. Again


  • Artoria77Artoria77 Member Posts: 2,550 ★★★★★
    I also used collosus with the OR synergy for the fight. Cost me 200 units but it was worth it
  • Raichu626Raichu626 Member Posts: 934 ★★★★
    Just did that fight yesterday, luckily I had Aegon at 500 combo, congrats on doing it without a proper counter
  • GlassbackGlassback Member Posts: 800 ★★★
    Think I used killmonger for that fight

    Lovely pulls!
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Stark enhanced spidey
  • Invicta_HellionInvicta_Hellion Member Posts: 220 ★★
    Did you use coll with or synergy??
  • avenge_123avenge_123 Member Posts: 1,307 ★★★
    'caiw sucks' ,me-whose this lad or lass? >:) ,suddenly writes about boss, me: B)
  • MattstafariMattstafari Member Posts: 693 ★★★
    Congrats mate, I see you with that not so subtle brag post, enjoy the champs I'm sure you'll be using them in 6.4.
  • Six_strings6Six_strings6 Member Posts: 223 ★★

    I mean you probably had better options... even that 6* CGR you have probably would’ve cleared the fight faster.
    And after those pulls you deserve no sympathy

    Cgr won’t work since that cap has electric fluctuations so his buffs don’t have any duration
  • MarshMarloMarshMarlo Member Posts: 243 ★★★

    I mean you probably had better options... even that 6* CGR you have probably would’ve cleared the fight faster.
    And after those pulls you deserve no sympathy

    Probably. But no. Electric fluctuations lol. Really hard to get to sp2 as well and even if i can reach sp2, pretty sure by then I dexed so I lose the crit buff.

    I took the caltrops lane and mainly used my CGR to clear the lane. Also used Colossus with my R4 OR.

    And btw folks, not complaining about my pulls but the caiw boss :)).

    Im stacked with a lot of Cosmic champ that I think by the time i completed 1 Cosmic t5cc, I'll be torn.
  • MarshMarloMarshMarlo Member Posts: 243 ★★★

    Congrats mate, I see you with that not so subtle brag post, enjoy the champs I'm sure you'll be using them in 6.4.

    Think so too. I think I have every counter for all 6.4 boss. Just need to farm some revive to make sure.
  • mbracembrace Member Posts: 897 ★★★
    All I remember about the CAIW fight and who I used at the time is that I never want to do it again.
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    i'll join you in the 6.3 completion club in a week or so. was going well and got him down to 50% with 200 units left. 45% with no units left
  • MarshMarloMarshMarlo Member Posts: 243 ★★★

    i'll join you in the 6.3 completion club in a week or so. was going well and got him down to 50% with 200 units left. 45% with no units left

    Wish you good luck because you'll need it. Lol
  • Realm_Of_RahRealm_Of_Rah Member Posts: 430 ★★★
    Thought the thread was going to be about Cap IW being overrated and not deserving of BGT ranking
  • Woody_federWoody_feder Member Posts: 584 ★★
    Just think the cosmic Ronan used to be king for that fight... 😂
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★

    I mean you probably had better options... even that 6* CGR you have probably would’ve cleared the fight faster.
    And after those pulls you deserve no sympathy

    Cgr won’t work since that cap has electric fluctuations so his buffs don’t have any duration
    Ahh fair enough, I don’t remember the nodes because I just stunlocked it with Ronan.

    Either way, my point was he probably had someone with a higher crit rate than colossus if colossus was that painful with the low crit rate lol.
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