Missing Persistant Charges? Help find the Cause of the Bug!



  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    So a month into this and no solution. Trying to do legendary love real and fury is still borked as is Glaive. So I'm supposed to burn through all those potions and start spending units when I shouldn't have to? Not to mention in AQ Fury has no Lmd at one point then gets him later on. Just zero rhyme or reason.

    Crogs is my in game name. Have already posted once. How about posting an update a month into this issue? And I'm sure if we were getting additional persistent charges and breezing through tough content like it was beginner level, you would've had it fixed weeks ago. But because it's our detriment, you loligag and take your time with no sense of urgency whatsoever.
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    And same in monthly cavalier. No lmd for fury. No charges for movie marvel. This is just ridiculous. Waited all month to do the hard content figuring you guys would have it fixed now. Not wasting my units because your game has been broken all month.
  • ThheepaThheepa Member Posts: 13
    Kabam, is there any update on this issue. These are some of the most used champs in game and people have no faith in using them anymore for any contents. Please Please escalate this issue.
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    edited February 2021
    They don't care. I pm'd Miike, and nothing. Not one moderator response since this thread was opened. And any time someone opens up a new thread on the issue, moderators shut it down, don't refer them to this thread, or move their post to this thread.

    Complete BS. But that's par for the course in this game for six years. If it was something to our advantage, it would've been cracked down on within a week. Cost us resources and potentially money, for those that spend, let the problem run as long as possible.
  • PantagatoPantagato Member Posts: 1
    Username Pantagato
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: 27/02/21 22:25
    Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus) 5-star R5 Corvus not awakened
    Opponent Champion: 6-star R3 Sentinel awakened
    Game Mode : AW
    Quest Node (if applicable)
    Did it happen multiple times during one session? (A session means that you did not exit/restart the game) happened once in this session
    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges? I don’t have another champion with this characteristic.
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0? (This problem has occurred in the past but in this particular instance) Yes
    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly? Didn’t try that
    Any Screenshots or Videos you'd like to share. no
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    Yep. It's always how it is. Detriment to us... At their leisure, which means even a snail's pace would be quicker. Detriment to them, gets fixed faster than the hare.

    Sad they haven't even been back to comment or update in a month. And the mods are useless (as usual) and haven't even responded to PM's.
  • RudymichelRudymichel Member Posts: 3
    My ign is Rudy823

    All my characters are missing their persistent charges on all modes and even on the character section., none show the persistent charge symbol.
  • Juss10Juss10 Member Posts: 4
    I’ve seen the same issues with the new update. Looks like a visual bug so far for me. The persistent charges were still working for my Ægon in AQ, but the blue persistent charge visual was missing. Also used Apocalypse in EQ and he was still building charges from fight to fight despite the blue persistent charge visual being shown.
  • AlCapone2727AlCapone2727 Member Posts: 428 ★★
    Just lost a fight in aw due to fury going straight to 30%. He did not have his decoy or fury buff
  • SebestSebest Member Posts: 7
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: 00:40 UTC
    Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus): Human Torch 6* undup
    Opponent Champion: Sasquach
    Game Mode: AW
    Quest Node (if applicable): node 29

    And some further questions, if you have this information as well:
    Did it happen multiple times during one session? (A session means that you did not exit/restart the game): I dont know, Human Torch only have one charge
    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges?: I only see it in him
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0? (This problem has occurred in the past but in this particular instance): Yes
    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly?: I cant know
    Any Screenshots or Videos you'd like to share.: I dont have
  • Xander71183Xander71183 Member Posts: 4

    Username: Xander71183
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: 2/7/21 (first occurrence).
    Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have/their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus)
    (All champions listed below are awakened and have their Sig ability)
    4* Nick Fury (will go right into furious mode)
    6* Sentry
    5* Aegon
    4* Corvus Glaive
    5* Human Torch
    Opponent: Champion: N/A
    Game Mode: Event Quest, Incursions, and Special Quest
    Quest Node (if applicable): N/A

    User Note: This has been an intermittent issue for over a week now. I've noticed this with all champions that come with a persistent charge.

    @Kabam Miike Any update on this? Its been 3 weeks and its getting pretty frustrating
  • WyattEarpWyattEarp Member Posts: 66
    Issue popped up again... Had been resolved.
    Account: WyattEarp
    Occurring in AQ with 5* Professor X & 5* Apocalypse. Neither has their persistent charges. Can't activate Horseman synergies.
  • Sillyboy710Sillyboy710 Member Posts: 33
    02/03/2020 9am GMT+2
    5 star rank 5 Nick Fury sig 1
    The Thing
    Alliance War
    Node 47

    Did it happen multiple times during one session?
    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges?
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0?
    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally?
    Too late the charge is spent and Fury is dead because of it

    This is very annoying as not only does this have a negative impact on me as a player but my whole alliance has to suffer as we will probably loose this war coz of the unnecessary death

    P.S. thanks for nerfing Hood and calling it a buff
  • ProducteProducte Member Posts: 74
    Username: Bor Burison
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: Monday, March 1st
    Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus): Corvus, Nick Fury
    Opponent Champion: Any
    Game Mode: AQ, Arena
    Quest Node (if applicable)

    Did it happen multiple times during one session? (A session means that you did not exit/restart the game): yes
    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges? Yes
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0? (This problem has occurred in the past but in this particular instance) Yes
    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly? Restarting didn't help
    Any Screenshots or Videos you'd like to share.

    Earlier today in AQ I had no charges and suddenly moving to fight a Spider-Man Classic, charges came back. The ones I had been winning were there.
  • Jed4223Jed4223 Member Posts: 14
    3* Corvus and 3* NF, both duped
    3/2 at 4:00PM EST
    Daily Quest for T4 Basic
    Corvus for all of the fights
    NF only played him against GHulk
    Username: Jed4223
    I've already downloaded the March patch
  • VanillaBearVanillaBear Member Posts: 1
    Username: VanillaBear_
    Approximate Date/Time: 3/2/21 around 10:30am PST
    Champion Involved: Nick Fury 5* R5 Sig 60
    Opponent Champion: Black Bolt
    Game Mode: Story Quest 6.3.1
    Quest Node: Black Bolt Mini Boss

    Did it happen multiple times during one session?: The persistent charge went away at the beginning of the Black Bolt fight. I tried using Nick Fury again in the Medusa fight but the charge was still gone.
    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges?: He was the only champion who had a persistent charge in this particular quest. BUT a couple days ago I did attempt a run through Labyrinth of Legends with my AEgon and his charge disappeared after the first fight.
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0?: This particular one yes, the AEgon one no.
    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly?: I have not attempted to use him again.

    Are we getting any sort of compensation for this? I brought in Nick Fury specifically to take on the Medusa boss but because of this issue my options were to quit and lose all the resources I used to get to the boss or use the only other bleed champion on my team, Warlock. Warlock has a class disadvantage, a much smaller bleed, and no way to deal with Medusa's auto block like Nick Fury does with his unlockable. I ended up having to use almost all of my revives and a lot of potions for this fight that I shouldn't have had to use had Nick Fury been working.. The worst part is that now I'm worried to attempt other quests in case this issue happens again with another champion. Not only did I have to use a ton of resources that I've been saving up but now you're holding me back on my progress. Fix. This. Issue.
  • Tenoch_4Tenoch_4 Member Posts: 1
    Sentry is also bugged, he doesn’t persist his reality warps. I have him awakened and the persistent charges icon doesn’t show up.
  • CozCoz Member Posts: 50
    IGN _coz_
    3-2-21 8:42pm est
    5* sig 100 NF
    First mini

    It was the first fight I used NF in aq.
  • OmedennOmedenn Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    I am currently fighting in AQ, my team: Nick Fury, Cap marvel movie and Corvus - none of them has any PC's

    Corvus fought a tech champ and a mutant champ, no charges were added as the are no Persistent chargers

    Nick Fury has only one life

    CMM doesn't save her binary mode charges
  • Scurvy42Scurvy42 Member Posts: 53
    Didnt save the details, but this happened again with an awakened 4* nick fury doing the contamination back issue normal not variant, maybe 30 mins ago.
    New version of the software, android, samsung s9, wifi.
    Sad to see this bug has persisted across yet another version. :(
  • Nimrod_the_GreatestNimrod_the_Greatest Member Posts: 12
    edited March 2021

    Username: Abu Balactus

    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: March 3, 2021 at 2:25 PM

    Champion Involved: 5-Star Awakened Apocalypse

    Opponent Champion: Mutant Ultron Droid

    Game Mode: Alliance Quest

    Quest Node: Map 5, Lower-Right Corner near Rogue


    Did it happen multiple times during one session?
    Yes, I fought three times and received a total of 1 charge after all three fights.

    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges?
    I only fought with 5-Star Awakened Apocalypse.

    Did this happen after updating to v30.0?

    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly?
    Once I entered the fight with Rogue I gained 2 additional charges totaling 3. After defeating Rogue I had a total of 4 Charges.

    Any Screenshots or Videos you'd like to share.
    Yes, screenshots are attached.
  • CyzadaCyzada Member Posts: 19

    Username: Abu Balactus

    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: March 3, 2021 at 2:30 PM

    Champion Involved: 5-Star Awakened Apocalypse

    Opponent Champion: Mutant Ultron Droid

    Game Mode: Alliance Quest

    Quest Node: Map 5, Lower-Right Corner near Rogue


    Did it happen multiple times during one session?
    Yes, I fought twice and received only 1 charge.

    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges?
    I only fought with 5-Star Awakened Apocalypse.

    Did this happen after updating to v30.0?

    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly?
    Once I entered the fight with Rogue I gained 2 additional charges totaling 3. After defeating Rogue I had a total of 4 Charges.

    Any Screenshots or Videos you'd like to share.
    Yes, screenshots are attached.

    Dude, all the Ultron Droids are robots.

    Apocalypse only recives charges from "non-robot" opponents, see Apocalypse description in-game
  • DooganheadDooganhead Member Posts: 16
    Username: dooganhead
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: March 2nd, 2021
    Champion Involved: 6* awakened corvus, 5* awakened nick fury, 5* awakened apocalypse, 5* awakened prof x
    Opponent Champion: any champion
    Game Mode: any game mode
    Quest Node (if applicable): any quest node
    And some further questions, if you have this information as well:
    Did it happen multiple times during one session? Yes, every fight
    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges? Yes
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0? This just started after the most recent update.
    Did restarting the game cause the Persistent Charges to return normally? Or did a later session function properly? No, restarts did not fix the issue.
    Any Screenshots or Videos you'd like to share.
  • Un2811mcocUn2811mcoc Member Posts: 5

    Still happening a month later no updates or comments but oh my hood change isn't what everyone wants immediately dealt with come on kabam
  • GBearSmithGBearSmith Member Posts: 45
    Nick fury again!
    In new EQ was working fine before the new content dropped. Just logged in this minute and he is starting in second life.
    Hmfic-big daddy
    Nick fury no 1st life, Apoc unable to gain charges so no horseman abilities
    Restarting no help
  • GrobubulGrobubul Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2021
    Username: Grobubul
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: right now, 04/03/2021 at 8:25
    Champion Involved: Nick Fury 5r5 dupped
    Opponent Champion: all
    Game Mode: monthly quest

    Did it happen multiple times during one session? Yes
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0? Yes
    Did a later session function properly? Yes, first it happened for me

    Edit: Captain MCU lost her charges too...

    Edit2: for Captain MCU, charges were back at the first block during the fight

  • JyotishkaJyotishka Member Posts: 124
    Name -Jyotishka
    Date - 04/03/2021
    Champion- cap marvel , fury(he's starting in his second Life already)
    Opponent-scarlet witch new one
    Game mode - cavalier eq , quest 1.2
    Node- mix master,weak in the knees, skillful training
  • lcmjerllcmjerl Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2021
    lmcjerl, no persistent/life decoy on NF fighting Odin uncollected boss. About 30min ago.
    Also do not see Corvus persistent fight in pre fight of AQ.
  • IgorewIgorew Member Posts: 11
    Player: pokazenyvlak
    After the last update this week. I cleaned the cache and game data as the game was lagging. After that steps my NF starting the fight in LDM. All content.
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