Blade 300-unit GMC sub-feature pool
Member Posts: 103 ★
Kabam, I have seen pictures of people pulling sub-feature champs like Hyperion in the Blade GMC. Why is that? In your original post about feature gmc you said that only 5* MS would be in sub-feature of Blade GMC. See the attached picture. Thanks @Kabam Miike
Cant wait to see their excuse
Hypes is still sub feature 5*. They specifically said only ms would be available as a sub feature pull in the feature gmc.
That being said I spun out 4 feature gmc and all 4 only saw 3* in the reel. Strange right...
Yup, that's exactly why. ANY champ in the standard pool will be in the featured GM pool. it's only champs like as of now Green Goblin or Medusa as they aren't in the normal pool yet. Those guys aren't in the Sub Pool.
What u saying the Kabam is right and the op is wrong?
Don’t think so. @MadMarks above said he pulled 5* Mephisto. Got a screenshot MadMarks?
God knows how people pulling hyperion lol
I'm going to test my luck too
Dr. Zola
75x new 300 units crystal (22500 units!!) and not even one 5*! Not even one!!
F### Me for trying! Never again!!
My luck as well haha
Then why were there no reported Hyperion, AA, Iceman, etc pulls 2 weeks ago for Morningstar GMC?
Never, ever, ever trust the game to give you what you want or need.
Dr. Zola
In that much units i would do 2-3 paths of LOL lol
Heavy spending mate really
That's so not like you Dror. Hope those units were all saved ones?
(I don’t have normal R4 for a full lol run... still waiting for my luck)
i just pulled 5* morningstar