Best Class = Mystic

DarkLord8470DarkLord8470 Member Posts: 105

The Mystic Class is the “classiest” class. At least in my opinion I think currently it’s the best structured class in terms of strength of champions and how they’re spread out. Here’s an in depth look at how I view it. And the facts to support my argument.

Every class has a handful of Champions you want to pull from it. Science for example, right now your best pulls are Quake, Human Torch, Captain America IW, Void, Thing, She-Hulk, I-Bom, and Spider- Ham. All of those...Solid pulls. Some, god tier. But aside from Quake, and Human Torch you’re going to settle for, solid or okay, with some of the pulls. After a handful of other champions the science class tends to fall off a cliff. There’s Champions you really don’t want to pull like, Captain American (classic/WW2), OG Hulk, Rhino, Joe Fixit, Miles Morales, etc. etc. The Mystic class has the same setup.


The Mystic Class spreads out the overall “strength” and “usefulness” to avoid the cliff factor. (Cliff Factor meaning a huge drop off in usefulness of champions) You have Dr. Doom, Black Widow (CV), and Sorcerer Supreme. Those three are essentially “idolized” meaning THOSE. ARE. THE. PULLS. YOU. WILL. FREAK. OUT. OVER.

But then the rest of the class backs up those Champions. Next you have really solid and powerful pulls like, Dragon Man, Longshot, Magik, Symbiote Supreme, Mojo, Tigra, and Scarlet Witch. All of them who with maybe an added synergy, mastery setup, or even on their own can really be effective in a lot of the areas of the game. Champions that you want in your roster. That you’re going to use in every faction of the game whether it is a Side Event, Monthly Event, Alliance War/Quest, or general Questing.

Then you have Champions after that like, Morningstar, Dormammu, Man-Thing, Sasquatch, Mephisto, Mangog, and Ghost Rider. All of which have a good base structure of a champion. Who may need a buff here or there, or are good for Alliance War Defense, or serve other purposes that give them a reason to be on your roster and not just ride the bench. These Champions serve purposes. They’re not absolute duds, and they’re not roster mains, they’re a healthy balance between the two.

Then you have your cheese lords, your meme pulls, like Loki, Ebony Maw (Sorry Will-O-Wisp), Juggernaut, Iron Fist, Jane Fosters. Some of those who are due for an overhaul or buff, some who will forever just be what they are.

The point is the Mystic Class from top to bottom all serve their purpose. You have you top pulls, your balanced powerful great pull champions, your roster mains, your plug and plays, your role champions, and your memes. No other class has such a balanced, equal throughout, decent separation, and overall disparity like the Mystic Class. Cosmic, Skill, and Mutant are top Heavy, Science there’s way too many duds and forgotten champions and Tech has a few gods and the rest are confusing and head scratchers.

I hope you enjoy my post, thanks :)


  • DarkLord8470DarkLord8470 Member Posts: 105

    I knew this was a troll from the start, and the misplacement of the Holy Maw confirmed it

    Not a troll. I’m sorry hahaha

  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★
    I say mutant and mystic are 1a and 1b......
  • odishika123odishika123 Member Posts: 5,418 ★★★★★
    Mutant is the best class
    For now :)
  • Soumemiakas1926Soumemiakas1926 Member Posts: 478 ★★★
    Mutant and then Cosmic I believe
  • Killer354Killer354 Member Posts: 130
    Mystic is good but Skill and Mutant go over it probably cosmic to
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    Mutant and Mystic IMO are the best classes with mutant edging over. The reason for this is that mutant's sheer volume of amazing champions is incredible and the top of that is absolutely packed with amazing and varying utility sets making it extremely diverse.

    Mystic I would put in 2nd not only because of what OP said above but also because of the general things the class offers, how they can straight up control the opponent like few can. Features of this class include Power Control, Buff Control, High Damage, High Sustainability. With these champions, you can spam specials for days, regen like crazy, block like crazy and never have the need to regen, burst some off some nice damage, melt the opponent with nullifies,etc. The way they control champions is amazing. The only downside to the class I would say is lot of the champs offer, similar but utility but in varied ways. For example, you have Claire, Doom, Vodoo, Dormammu, Magik and The Hood in one class itself offering power control. You literally have 22 champions in this class alone having some ability to deal with buffs. It's not really that much of a problem though since they mostly do it in unique ways allowing them to counter niche scenarios.
  • IronGladiator22IronGladiator22 Member Posts: 1,733 ★★★★
    Mutant is definitely first.
  • IronGladiator22IronGladiator22 Member Posts: 1,733 ★★★★
    edited April 2021
    Out of the Mutant class, if we are counting aq, and apoc, I count 3 complete duds. DPX, (who can even be used as a Nick fury synergy) Nightcrawler, and Beast. Seriously.

  • DefenestratedDefenestrated Member Posts: 304 ★★★
  • odishika123odishika123 Member Posts: 5,418 ★★★★★


    Is Effective
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,896 ★★★★★
    CapIW and Void aren't BGT, sure buddy...

    I gotta admit that most mystics don't need awakening, whereas for other sigs there is a huge competition
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Interesting take, but my main problem is “Quake and HT then those other guys” #2 science is highly contended in between CAIW Void and HT.

    I do think that Mystic as a class archetype is the most handy and flexible, even if Mutant is currently more powerful and utile in general.
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