Which original Avenger would you like to see buffed first?

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Which original Avenger would you like to see buffed first? 204 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
Cap and IM probably deserve a buff more since they are just beyond useless but we do have good Caps and Iron Men in the game. I hope they all get buffed to godhood eventually, but I hope that the one actual god among them reaches that godhood first.
That would be baller for me
i would rather have a champion buffed that doesn't already have a good version of themself out there. for example, there is already a semi-good Iron Man (IMIW), there's already two good Hulks (Ghulk and Ihulk), already a great Cap (Beardo), and already a good Black Widow (BWDO). What it would come down to for me is lots of people like Hawkeye as a champ and as a character in the MCU, and Ronin is just completely different from hawkeye.
Both have one classic comic version, and one MCU version in different “costumes”. I’m not sure that’s a reason not to buff them, or a reason to buff Hawkeye instead of Hulk.
I think revitalising the OG faces of Marvel could be such an awesome boost for the game, and newer players. Instead of asking who some of the best champs are and saying “Black Widow but not the one you know, quake from agents of shield, Knock off superman and ghost from that one movie”
Iron man and og cap on the other hand literally do nothing, damage sucks, no utility, and no genuine usefulness other than the regen or perfect block.
-Continuous regen which scales up the lower his health goes.
-Base damage which scales up the lower his health goes (so his current signature = part of base kit).
-Debuff resistance (both damaging and non-damaging) which scales up the lower his health goes.
-Multiple personalities and extreme rage render mind control effects useless.
He'd also have one of those unwritten interactions where Mordo can't astral evade him since Hulk can see astral projections.
Signature - Worldbreaker
-Once per quest when Hulk would be knocked out, he instead goes unstoppable for 0.5-3 seconds, regains 50-100% of his health, and cleanses all current debuffs.
-Hulk is radiating extremely dangerous levels of gamma. The health he would regenerate is instead inflicted as continuous energy damage while near the opponent.
Maybe even his entrance animation to be him changing from Bruce Banner into Hulk as he runs towards center stage. Along with a few other visual reworks.