Next 5-star to rank 5

StarlordisWickedStarlordisWicked Member Posts: 295
edited November 2021 in Strategy and Tips
Currently have the following 5 stars maxed out: Doom, BWCV, CAIW, NF, Apocalypse, Colossus, AA, Red Magneto, CGR, Hyperion, Corvus

Next 5-star to rank 5 28 votes

Guardian (sig 200)
odishika123QazzyReal_Madrid_76_2WooptyfrickendooOddkinsons7Riptide36813579rebel_Mate015 8 votes
Professor X (Sig 20)
JhonST33Scrubhan 2 votes
Captain Marvel Movie (Sig 50)
MutantA___4444Diablord 2 votes
Guillotine 2099 (sig 60)
Unsilent 1 vote
Shang-Chi (Sig 116)
EtjamaLucifer_666Krishna24RenaxqqDrauglinPtkVascoDraconic_12Sergeant_OEMVRainwind76 10 votes
Human Torch (Sig 20)
SpeedbumpIBlueShiftIEwell65SSS69Captain_Monticawillrun4adonut 5 votes
Domino (sig 40)
Magik (sig 110)
Stryfe (unawakened)
Void (sig 40)


  • WooptyfrickendooWooptyfrickendoo Member Posts: 184
    Guardian (sig 200)
    Seeing as you don't have a tech rank 5 and your guardian is sig 200 I think guardian is the best choice here
  • StarlordisWickedStarlordisWicked Member Posts: 295
    Wow. Close Contest. I know Human Torch excels against mystic champions. But what matchups are most of you using Guardian and Shang-Chi in?
  • IcePickIcePick Member Posts: 212
    Wait a minute - why does guardian get all of the tech votes and guillotine 2099 get none even though she is usually rated a tier ahead? What am I missing?
  • odishika123odishika123 Member Posts: 5,414 ★★★★★
    Guardian (sig 200)
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Guardian (sig 200)

    Seeing as you don't have a tech rank 5 and your guardian is sig 200 I think guardian is the best choice here

    yeah guardian or guillotine but I'd do guardian for the resistance
  • Lucifer_666Lucifer_666 Member Posts: 46
    Shang-Chi (Sig 116)
    You need to max out Shang chi , guardian and torch, Shang chi is a beast, you need gaurdian as a tech requirement and torch is a mystic melter... But go for gaurdian as you won't rank him up as a 6* bcs he's more high maintenance than the rest!
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