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Guys/gals - help me with Cosmic awakening decision please...

TaintoTainto Posts: 70
edited November 2021 in Strategy and Tips

Results of poll will determine who it is, cuz I just can't decide. Obvi the first 2 options are CG and CGR - but I've heard good things about Angela...so I turn to the community at large...

Guys/gals - help me with Cosmic awakening decision please... 58 votes

Corvus - duh, stupid
zuffyRotellySungjOliverJWRasiloverpseudosaneJuggerNotXva23RockypantherxQacobEtjamaMobile_P0tat0Ewell65SSS69UvoginNockoRenaxqqMCOC_2020DawsManSkyLord7000Hoitado 35 votes
Cosmic Ghost
VceebenshbcookiedealerMaratoxValentinos13 5 votes
JohnLocke117Repto23Ackbar67KerneasMalreck04Reaper2823RookiiePikoluTitan41ScrubhanmelmenartAJ007ShannokZodiacKiller88DiablordRainwind76 16 votes
Other - who?
ReignkingTW13579rebel_ 2 votes
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on


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    Corvus is nice with dupe, but it isn't required, whereas Angela needs dupe to be good
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    JohnLocke117JohnLocke117 Posts: 500 ★★★
    Angela's sig ability will help you the most compared to the others. CGR doesn't really need the dupe, Corvus gets cheat death but it is niche and usable in few places only aside from special quests once in a while. I would recommend angela.
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    Malreck04Malreck04 Posts: 3,323 ★★★★★
    Corvus' sig is one of the best in game, but only give it to him if you plan to use him often. Otherwise Angela, she becomes debuff immune essentially with a couple of buffs.
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    Xva23Xva23 Posts: 500 ★★★
    Corvus - duh, stupid
    Corvus gets most use at sig 1. If you have a lot of sig stones, Angela might be better
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    Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Posts: 3,432 ★★★★★
    Corvus - duh, stupid
    Shang Chi challenge cheese 🍕. Oh wait where am I, multiverse? I entered another timeline where I only see cataclysm type thingies
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    Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Posts: 2,559 ★★★★★
    Corvus - duh, stupid
    Unless you get Angela to high sig right away.
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    RasiloverRasilover Posts: 1,470 ★★★★
    Corvus - duh, stupid
    Corvus’ sig ability is legit ridiculously strong
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    KerneasKerneas Posts: 3,767 ★★★★★
    I feel like Angela has more uses with her sig vs without it than CG does
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    TaintoTainto Posts: 70
    Kerneas said:

    I feel like Angela has more uses with her sig vs without it than CG does

    Yeah that’s what I’ve been reading. Obviously CG is a beast but I guess I want to know does the l gem really make him a significantly better champ or just add a nice little perk. I don’t see CGR being a level better because of the gem but I do use him a lot.
    For people who voted Angela - is there something she does awakened that makes her the top option for anything specific?
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    DawsManDawsMan Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    Corvus - duh, stupid
    If you use corvus a lot, do corvus. If you use CGR more, awaken CGR, if you have sigs and see yourself using angela, go angela.
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    JuggerNotJuggerNot Posts: 432 ★★
    Corvus - duh, stupid
    Depends on sig stones, if you have them go for Angela
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    ReignkingTWReignkingTW Posts: 2,666 ★★★★★
    Other - who?
    CG depends on where you are in content -- and by looking at your roster I'm guessing he'll help -- but don't sleep on Venompool.
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