Alliance Gifting Event Requirements
Hi all, I have encountered a problem that I think may be shared by many others as well. As everyone well knows, to prevent problems with mini accounts and boosting, Kabam has implemented a system that prevents any account from accessing the Alliance Gifting Event if it did not join the Alliance at least 14 days before. I think this makes sense, it's a good reasonable system that should prevent the aforementioned issues. There is a problem with this however. I recently (last few days) got kicked from my alliance. I am not sure why, I was following the alliance requirements, I was active, etc., but I did get kicked. I rejoined a different alliance, I am participating and am active there. However, because I got kicked in that 14 day period, I won't be able to get the rewards or contribute points towards my alliance. I had planned to gift a lot, but if I am not going to help out my alliance and get those side rewards, it doesn't make that much sense to do so. Is there anything I can do, or am I just completely screwed over out of my control?