AW Bug: 151 Attacker Kills

Bronc0_Bronc0_ Member Posts: 19

All 3 BGs cleared 100%. However our opponents scored 151 attacker kills. Is this a visual bug? If the war was close it could have an impact.


  • SeenkSeenk Member Posts: 216 ★★
    my friends also faced this problem with a score of 153 - 150
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,813 Guardian
    You don’t technically get any “more” points for extra Attacker Kills.

    Whether they indeed did have to do an actual fight there (duplicate defender), or not, they would get (at best, assuming the fight was a single-kill fight) a full 80x3=240 Attack Bonus, whether there was a defender on the node or they are just traveling past an empty numbered node.

    At worst, it would have maybe only affected your opponent negatively, if indeed they did have to fight a duplicate defender there, and happened to have needed 2 or more fights in order to defeat that node. Then they would have lost Attack Bonus

    But it would not have caused your own team to have lost ground to an opposing team who somehow had more that 150 Attacker Kills.
  • Nomad450Nomad450 Member Posts: 8
    This just happened to my alliance as well… had to go through two six star Dooms.
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