Why is 6 star blade such a wimp

I thought I was lucky, and got a 6 star blade. After having fond memories of him as a 4 and 5 star... I immediately took him to r2, and assumed I would be taking him to R3 soon.
After doing a couple runs though the usual content (e.g. ROL), I noticed he just didn't hit very hard. I thought maybe its just me, I played wrong, but then I went to Auntm.ai to do some quick reviewing.
The vast majority of champs when comparing their 6 star r2 vs. their 5 star r5 counterpart, have the 6 star hit about 7-12% harder. Blade: base attack was effectively the same, actually slightly less.
Then looking at blades abilities, I was surprised how many of them scaled up with higher star level, and as such, the r2 blade doesn't crit as much on SP2, which also means he doesn't trigger as many bleeds, and those bleeds are actually for less than the 5 star blade.
If he came out today as a new champ... honestly I'd be on the "buff blade" wagon given his numbers.
Now maybe some day when 6* R5s are a thing, his value will be more noticeable... but for right now... he's purely a utility champion, and most of his utility generally have other champs do it better (generate debuffs, heal, deal with mystics, etc.), and its only if I were to need the full kit that I would consider using him.
So for now... Blade will be riding the bench, right there next to 100 other champs that have their moment... but other than that one niche situation, are just arena fodder... and I don't do arena.
After doing a couple runs though the usual content (e.g. ROL), I noticed he just didn't hit very hard. I thought maybe its just me, I played wrong, but then I went to Auntm.ai to do some quick reviewing.
The vast majority of champs when comparing their 6 star r2 vs. their 5 star r5 counterpart, have the 6 star hit about 7-12% harder. Blade: base attack was effectively the same, actually slightly less.
Then looking at blades abilities, I was surprised how many of them scaled up with higher star level, and as such, the r2 blade doesn't crit as much on SP2, which also means he doesn't trigger as many bleeds, and those bleeds are actually for less than the 5 star blade.
If he came out today as a new champ... honestly I'd be on the "buff blade" wagon given his numbers.
Now maybe some day when 6* R5s are a thing, his value will be more noticeable... but for right now... he's purely a utility champion, and most of his utility generally have other champs do it better (generate debuffs, heal, deal with mystics, etc.), and its only if I were to need the full kit that I would consider using him.
So for now... Blade will be riding the bench, right there next to 100 other champs that have their moment... but other than that one niche situation, are just arena fodder... and I don't do arena.
I have no clue if it is, but that sounds bugged to me.
At rank 3, in a match-up he's meant to take (villain, mystic, etc) he feels incredibly solid.
In a more competitive level of alliance war, security is the most prioritized aspect to do the fights, security is exactly what the blade delivers, the damage it does is enough, it has an above average damage if you consider the amount of utility it brings to the game.
On top of that, he still has extremely high prestige and is a very strong defender.
It's 2022 and Blade is still one of the most complete champions in the game, he's just not the best in the game as he was for a long time, but for me, considering all these aspects, he's in the top 10 in the game without a doubt .
We discovered that Blade was not scaling correctly as a 6-Star, and his attack figures were lower than intended when compared to his 5-Star and other Rarities. His health was also higher than it should be.
In our next release, we'll have a fix to address this, and it should make Blade hit harder.
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