AQ 6.6.6 Master Mods / Gold 1 Alliance looking for 1 Active member

Hey guys, our alliance is looking to recruit one new member. We run 6.6.6 W/ Epic/master mods.. We’ve been attempting to push Map7 so members with map 7 experience would be a plus. We are currently Gold1 but bordering Platinum. Need someone who can handle the content and keeps up with there paths. Thrownbreaker would be ideal but if you think you can handle everything we would consider you. Our alliance is “ Skrull Armada “

Line app is a must for communication. My line ID is “ Joep22662266 “. If interested message me on line with screenshots of your top champs


  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Looking for 1 more ASAP things didn’t work out with the last guy we recruited
  • SkubaSteveSkubaSteve Member Posts: 8
    Great alliance here
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    It is a great alliance pal! Send me a screenshot of your champs on forums and I’ll try to get you in
  • SkubaSteveSkubaSteve Member Posts: 8
    Still looking for one more
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Yeah bud just send me a screenshot of your ranked champs
  • DirtyGrmlinDirtyGrmlin Member Posts: 7
    We still have a couple spots open.
  • Caio51Caio51 Member Posts: 3
    Still looking
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Hey Caio, yes we are! Please send a screenshot of your ranked champs to my line account. The info is above in the post.. Thanks for your response
  • MB1MB1 Member Posts: 10
    How are you folks going to deal with the AW potions moving to the loyalty store if nothing changes before the new season? Are you expecting members to use units to heal up?
  • Triston10Triston10 Member Posts: 6
    You still looking for one?
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Hey Triston, yes we are still looking
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    MB1 my hope is that new members won’t need to use that many health potions and since AW just started back up hopefully everyone can hold up until kabam figured out what they are going to about the increase of cost of health potions, but we are open to ideas to combat the issue. What are you thoughts about it, and what is your current alliance going to do? Instructive ideas are always welcomed in our alliance that’s how we get better.
  • All_Time_Savage999All_Time_Savage999 Member Posts: 4
    Are you guys still looking?
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Yes we are pal send your champs to my line id
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