6x Players LF an Alliance

6x cav and above players looking for an active alliance that participates in AW (G3 or above) and AQ (Map 5).

If you have room for us, let’s chat.


  • HustlaBoi9HustlaBoi9 Member Posts: 71
    I have a newer alliance if you all are interested
    Line is Nohsek
    Discord is HustlaBoi9#9515

  • M4rk9M4rk9 Member Posts: 1
    Hi we've got 6 spaces in our alliance. We do map 6 5 and 4 aq and are gold 3 aw.
    Just need people to participate otherwise pretty chill. We don't have line so look me up in game if you're interested, cheers
  • Ayaz_S8Ayaz_S8 Member Posts: 30
    Add me on line Ayaz_S8 please can run through things there
  • ButtcaveButtcave Member Posts: 1
    Hey bud, currently looking for players to fill a BG. Currently G2 and running AQ map 5. I can send you full info and discuss your requirements if you want to chat on Line. ID is: buttcave.

    Look forward to hearing from you
  • Lone_Leao_1Lone_Leao_1 Member Posts: 18
    Appreciate the responses… we’ve found an alliance.
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