Should the level cap of 60 be increased?

Maybes with a prize of a cool profile pic for reaching level 70, 80, 90 + 100 etc
Should the level cap of 60 be increased? 166 votes
99 votes
30 votes
Don't care
37 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Unless it has the same fate as Bases...
Would've been nice initially but at this point it's a lost cause.
Otherwise, just adding more levels without attendant prizes/mastery points seems like a waste of time.
Dr. Zola
In a game where spending can get you most if not every champ, it’s nice to force people to choose between alternatives. It’s nice to be unable to get everything.
I hope relics operate that way. I hold out hope 7*’s champ will as well.
Dr. Zola
@Oakenshield It's definitely a compromise but I've used this for awhile now.
Key differences between our builds is that I’m running 4 (vs 3) in MD, 3 (vs 1) in Glass Cannon, and one (vs 0) in Coagulate.
Will try yours out to see how I like it - thanks again!
You're missing the gist of my post by a country mile and then some.
The masteries you've highlighted are optional; the one's I mentioned are not. One has to expend those four points to access the parts of the branch you refer to. The fact that it's designed this way doesn't mitigate the point that those four masteries are outdated and pointless vis-a-vis where the game stands today. Furthermore, virtually every aspect of the game is a design decision. However, this doesn't necessarily mean it was the correct decision. Indeed, what was useful in 2015 has via the passage of time become useless today. Ergo, the changes to various facets of the game to keep it relevant.
Conversely, I gather masteries are due for a root and branch overhaul in any case. It's long overdue and I'm eager to see the outcome. Hopefully we'll have a more engaging and functional system, which assists gameplay rather than hindering it..