Super Tiny Important Details

It has now been YEARS since Platinumpool was released into the contest, and he has had multiple events, and profile pics. In every single event, every piece of mail, every profile picture, even his champion picture, have all had one major thing in common. His eyes have been white. It's a perfect match to the silvery design of the champion, but when you enter any fight or the champ upgrade screen, his eyes are GREEN. I know he's just a reskinned goldpool, but cmon guys, can his eyes please be fixed? It's probably not a big deal for everyone but it seems like just a small fix that would make everything actually match up correctly.
If both are actually supposed to be the same Natasha/Natalia.
Yes, earlier in comics history she may have tended towards having Blue eyes (and actually Hazel even before that). But later on seems to have settled in on being mostly Green eyes.
Speculation when movie came out and BWDO was added to game, that maybe we had been playing with Yelena as OG BW all this time, and were just then getting the real Natasha into the game as BWDO.
(if it gets fixed and i get a mutant 3-4 gem from epoch i’ll r4 him)
Changing the eyes would probably change colour of some champs (oh wait that’s a thing already)