Would you R4 him to be Paragon?

I already have 6r4 Doom. Once I explore this month’s cav eq, I will have enough material to R4 one champ. And I have science 3->4 gem but I don’t have very good options for science rank up. Following are my options

My torch is already r3 and many people say he is not worthy of r4 or if I put it this way, there are other science champs who would do better as r4 compared to the bump HT would get. My questions are..
Would you rank HT just to become Paragon?
Also, from my roster, would you suggest any champ over him?
OR you would suggest to wait for a good champ. If so, who are the champs would you suggest?
PS. I don’t have units and am not in hurry of getting cyber Monday deals but I am really eager to become a Paragon.

My torch is already r3 and many people say he is not worthy of r4 or if I put it this way, there are other science champs who would do better as r4 compared to the bump HT would get. My questions are..
Would you rank HT just to become Paragon?
Also, from my roster, would you suggest any champ over him?
OR you would suggest to wait for a good champ. If so, who are the champs would you suggest?
PS. I don’t have units and am not in hurry of getting cyber Monday deals but I am really eager to become a Paragon.
The only competition my HT has is iBom, who is probably the only Science champ I would R4 over Torch
Not ignoring you mr. fantastic!!
2) Miss counter
3) Regen counter
4) Nova flame passives which nobody is immune to
5) Power sting passives which are good for That’s Gonna Sting nodes
6) Energy damage so he doesn’t take damage from Thorns (Korg, Attuma)
7) Gains a lot of Temperate and Smolder in matchups against champions that deal Energy Damage
8) 3 immunities: Incinerate, Coldsnap and Frostbite
He still makes a compelling case for Top 3 Science.