Battlegrounds Horribly imbalanced matchmaking

3px3px Member Posts: 8
I did pretty well last season, but now it seems really imbalanced. Getting matched with Paragons, with now a 21+ losing streak on a Silver II... fun right? Do we have to pay to win?
Please stop event now if you cant patch that ridiculous matchmaking and fix all issues with it


  • 3px3px Member Posts: 8
    I wont even bother reaching out to cc to report the bugs because that too is sooo broken. They ask ridiculous unrelated questions through email, and never seem to solve issues. What a waste of salary budget really...
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    Yup, its matching me vs full paragon players, all 6* with awakened abilities and R3 or R4, kinda funny
  • 3px3px Member Posts: 8
    Kabam should cancel battlegrounds now. This is a serious imbalance issue.
    25 losing streak... always getting matched with impossible foes.
  • ChikelChikel Member Posts: 2,110 ★★★★
    I came to post this as well. Now I just grind revives with my energy. There's zero fun in BGs atm.

    Who came up with this horrible matchmaking system
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