Thoughts about this months eq

TreoTreo Member Posts: 403 ★★
Hy Guys just wanted to know how the community felt about this month

Personally it wasn’t my month. The difficulty spike was too much for me. The struggle in cav and throne-breaker ain’t even over.. not sure if I can finish either…. The energy use felt way more but maybe I just played less .. because it was that difficult for me didn’t enjoyed the paths or the bosses it’s a struggle I am trying to get trough but time starting to tick faster then I can play… having to redo paths over and over because I get stuck.

But that’s just one view … would love to hear others.


  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    The rewards were nice
  • MusikmenMusikmen Member Posts: 85
    Also didn't bother with TB
  • WayWorn2525WayWorn2525 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★
    The TB EQ was doable. Except the fights were long and the input issues made it frustrating. Wasted unnecessary use of revives and portions.
  • SonOfArgu16SonOfArgu16 Member, Guardian Posts: 263 Guardian
    I only got TB last december and the december was my first attempt at TB eq difficulty, and I enjoyed it. I didn't even try to do this month's eq at TB difficulty since I already struggled at the Cavalier level. I don't know if its me being bad at the game, bad planning on my part or the difficulty increase made it hard this month.
  • WayWorn2525WayWorn2525 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★

    I only got TB last december and the december was my first attempt at TB eq difficulty, and I enjoyed it. I didn't even try to do this month's eq at TB difficulty since I already struggled at the Cavalier level. I don't know if its me being bad at the game, bad planning on my part or the difficulty increase made it hard this month.

    I thought Jan 2023 was the first time we had TB difficulty level for EQ, unless I missed something in Dec 2022. I don’t recall TB level for EQ back in Dec 2022
  • SonOfArgu16SonOfArgu16 Member, Guardian Posts: 263 Guardian

    I thought Jan 2023 was the first time we had TB difficulty level for EQ, unless I missed something in Dec 2022. I don’t recall TB level for EQ back in Dec 2022

    Sorry I meant the highest difficulty eq back then, so maybe Cavalier
  • SonOfArgu16SonOfArgu16 Member, Guardian Posts: 263 Guardian

    I'm not sure how long you've been playing but there is a recent phenomenon over the past few years where account title progression ramps up very quickly and plateaus just as fast because content surpasses a newer players account.

    As shown by Seatin getting to TB in just 25 days. What that really means is that you have the titles but your roster is very lean in terms of depth.

    Trying to tackle content like Act 7, 8 or MEQs will be a challenge until you start getting more resources and champs.

    Those of us who came up before this crazy fast title progression, have diverse rosters and content is easier for us.

    But the good news is, once you start getting more pieces to that puzzle, that content gets easier. Cavalier is already easier because there is less restrictions on who to bring as attackers.

    It's not likely that you're bad at the game but you haven't seen enough or done enough to counter nodes and defenders.

    Thanks for the advice, looking back on it, my biggest issue for this month's eq was more lack of planning. I was always the type to use the same characters regardless of nodes or even considering the final boss's abilities. I improved on that recently but I think getting TB might have made me too cocky to even consider planning for counters. Add on the fact that I've been playing MCOC for almost 6-7 years, I can't complain much on how the game progresses in terms of difficulty.
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,644 ★★★★★
    hated the fact I couldn't explore Proven because of how much I struggled to complete the first go at Absorbing Man. Ludicrous.
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,901 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    My main suggestion would be to actually try to make the “help nodes” be helpful. It’s silly to have an easier time just bringing a top-tier counter than bringing a champ from the class that’s supposed to benefit from class nodes.

    Dr. Zola

    This was my biggest issue with these "class advantages" it really didn't cause me much of an advantage at all to only bring the classes benefitted rather than my best champs or best champs for the characters.
  • PrentexPrentex Member Posts: 414 ★★
    For me the new thronebreaker difficulty isn't that much worse than the cavalier before, the two new bosses were more of a challenge tho, i think they are annoying defenders on their own even on cavalier, so that is not necessarily because of TB difficulty. The past months we had some pretty easy EQ final bosses, the TB difficulty would not have been as bad there, so maybe just a general bad month to introduce the new TB difficulty.

    Although some lanes on the later quests were not easy as well, but in my opinion that is fair on the highest difficulty. I was also happy with the rewards.

    Two main suggestions tho:

    Since there are more difficulties to explore i would appreciate a bit less energy costs / reduced refreshing time, because this month is the first in ages i can't finish all EQ difficulties without using big amounts of refills.

    The other thing is with the quest specific nodes, they should not be affected by AAR, so that you can benefit with all champs who fall under the node target group. I remember the tech one is almost always super annoying when parry is involved, like in the past months there was the power drain on parry and then get the fury passive. Almost never works because of the AAR on stun
  • AmaadAkiraAmaadAkira Member Posts: 391 ★★★
    Also class-focused quests with champions requiring counters OUTSIDE of that class suck. They're just revive drains or require you to play the way it wasn't intended. Domino and ikarus come to mind.
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  • VanPeltstaintVanPeltstaint Member Posts: 28
    I’d say they should honestly just call thronebreaker difficulty paragon difficulty. I usually never have issues with every months cavalier difficulty but this months thronebreaker was ridiculous in my opinion. I got to absorbing man and can’t even beat him with 6* rank 4 HT and 6* rank 3 mr fantastic with that insane regen. I used an insane amount of revives, way more than I ever did on eternity of pain and the last two bosses seemed to need really niche counters which I wasn’t a fan of. I will admit that my roster is diverse but only in terms of rank 2 6* and rank 5 5* so if it’s recommended to only go in with rank 3 6* and above, I get it and I’ll stick to cavalier difficulty for now if this thronebreaker difficulty is gonna be this tough.

    I’d say between input issues, shady AI (won’t throw specials with obvious baiting, throwing heavies when I’m only blocking for a millisecond) and high block damage taken, this month I was already burned out and I’m to the point of just taking a long break if this is what I have to look forward to in terms of future content. Sad part is the side quest threat lvl 5 I had no issues except quicksilver and he even wasn’t even rage inducing to the point of this months eq.

    Just find it to be false advertisement because it seems that Kabam wants you to be very close to paragon to be able to deal with this content. Sad part is I’ve been thronebreaker for awhile so I can’t even imagine how it was for a player who just got thronebreaker.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,821 ★★★★★

    Just find it to be false advertisement because it seems that Kabam wants you to be very close to paragon to be able to deal with this content. Sad part is I’ve been thronebreaker for awhile so I can’t even imagine how it was for a player who just got thronebreaker.

    This isn't true at all. You can do TB with 5*'s. But early players in those titles have always struggled with these MEQ's. It's even worse now because getting to each of these new titles is extremely easy. The problem is there isn't enough time spent building a roster. Players are just focused on getting the highest possible title and then will complain about how hard content is.
  • SonOfArgu16SonOfArgu16 Member, Guardian Posts: 263 Guardian
    Tarzan041 said:

    This month has been the least I've ever played or spent on the game. The difficulty increase wasn't needed or wanted, there was no way I was doing more work for the same rewards. After finishing uncollected, there was no way I was doing anything else. There's also no way I'd ever spend one penny to get through a monthly quest.

    I was tempted to do the same, but I can't handle wasting the energy I already spent completing them in the first place. Also, hated the difficulty increase even for the lower ranked quest. Back then, I was able to complete the first three difficulties on auto-fight with just 5*, now I can't even auto-fight the first few maps with 6* without finding out that my champs are already knocked out. Don't know if the auto-fight AI is buggy or the power scaling is off for the lower difficulty eq maps.
  • ChiliDogChiliDog Member Posts: 911 ★★★
    edited February 2023
    I just wasn't feeling EQ and usually I enjoy it, except a few lanes on 3.1 and 3.2 because there are just too many lanes in the first ok, four more stinking rows to go. Here we go again.

    Everything felt driven to feel like I had options if played very well, but I just didn't have fun with it and not really a fan of long restrictive fights unless in a special quest like EoP.

    I watched Jason Voorhees after my first pass to see what I could have done better, but the Zemo fight just looked boring, repetitive and long.

    3.2, it just was poorly designed node defender combos (or well designed if you are a twad). But someone needs balance out challenging and fun versus, long, tedious and to the point of being annoying.

    I understand not everyone has the same thoughts on it, but that's ok. That's my feedback.
  • VoratusVoratus Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2023
    The increased difficulty turned me off. I did the lowest two difficulties, and didn't even bother with anything higher just because of how rough it was. Normally in the monthly I'd 100% the three or four lowest difficulties without diving in to too many potions and revives. I used half of what I had gathered just to beat the one completion of the third tier one, so wasn't about to retry it several more times for a full explore.
    For me, the increased difficulty combined with the bosses selected just made it not worth doing. I hope next month is a better experience.
  • VanPeltstaintVanPeltstaint Member Posts: 28
    edited February 2023

    Just find it to be false advertisement because it seems that Kabam wants you to be very close to paragon to be able to deal with this content. Sad part is I’ve been thronebreaker for awhile so I can’t even imagine how it was for a player who just got thronebreaker.

    This isn't true at all. You can do TB with 5*'s. But early players in those titles have always struggled with these MEQ's. It's even worse now because getting to each of these new titles is extremely easy. The problem is there isn't enough time spent building a roster. Players are just focused on getting the highest possible title and then will complain about how hard content is.
    I’m not disagreeing with you that it can’t be done but I found it too tough for me in terms of high block damage, buggy inputs and the AI in at least thronebreaker being very conservative (constant turtling, not throwing specials until you’re backed in the wall, throwing heavies when you’re barely blocking).

    I can see what you’re saying about the complaining and fast title progression but in my experience even with a diverse 5* roster, this months eq was still crazy in terms of a steep learning curve and I play slow in terms of doing the progression difficulty I’m at and developing a roster so I don’t hit a wall later. I’ll never say I’m a pro but I’ve been playing since 2018 and it’s been a bit since I hit a wall hard like this in terms of completing content. I don’t do Everest content or the gauntlets of EoP or SoP but I can beat the single bosses of EoP and SoP without using too many revives but I was getting demolished in 3.1 and 3.2 badly, like I was back fighting the grandmaster boss to become thronebreaker. I’ve never thrown so many revives in regular eq like this before and found it odd to make it harder than EoP. It just seemed in my experience that this difficulty is more geared toward thronebreaker players about to become paragon, not mid to low tier thronebreaker unless you’re an extremely skilled interceptor.

    In February, I’ll probably just do ch 1 and 2 and stop until I get a stronger 6* roster going cuz this month was a huge waste of revives and energy refills getting stuck at ch 3.2. This was probably an intentional hike in difficulty anyway to force players to buy revives to make Kabams Q1 earnings look better since it’s usually a slow business quarter for them after all the holiday spending.
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