Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Quincy McIver (Earth-616)
    Quincy "Quince" McIver[1]


    Cybernetically Enhanced: Bushmaster is a quadriplegic who has bionic arms attached to his shoulders and a 14-foot long snake-like tail instead of legs. He can also move at increased speeds and spring up to 30 feet away (or 2 stories straight up). If using his tail in wrestling combat, Bushmaster can fatally constricting his opponent.[30]
    Bionic arms: Bushmaster's bionic arms are equipped with 8" metallic fangs and are tipped with snake venom. His bionic arms are relatively easy to reattach, as they have been severed in the past.[31]
    Cybernetic Tail: Bushmaster's 14-foot long, cybernetic tail allows him to move at 40 mph, leap at least 18 feet from a coiled start, and crush steel pipes up to 6 inches thick.

    Additional Attributes
    Bushmaster is a quadriplegic by accident and he has adapted well to his misfortune. He is still bitter over his condition, and takes out his frustration by committing violent crime. Given the chance to become part of a group, Bushmaster was grateful to Sidewinder and remained loyal to him under pain of death when the Society was overrun by the Viper.[32]

    Fang Blades: Blades that resemble fangs extend from his hands. They contain snake venom.[34]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Blanche Sitznski (Earth-616)
    Blanche Sitznski
    Ana,[citation needed] Blondie[citation needed]


    As a result of bioengineering at the hands of the Roxxon Oil Company, Anaconda possesses a variety of superhuman attributes.[47]

    Marvel Two-In-One Vol 1 65.jpg
    Limb Elongation: Anaconda's arms are normally two feet in length from wrist to armpit and her legs are normally 35 inches in length from ankle to hipbone. However, the bioengineering process she underwent grants her the ability to elongate her limbs to one and a half times their normal length. When doing so, the muscle tissue of her limbs gorge with blood and swell to many times their normal size, thereby giving them the appearance of large snakes. Her limbs are capable of generating up to 125 pounds of pressure per square inch, which is enough force to deform a steel tube two feet in diameter and one inch thick.[47]

    Amphibian Physiology: Anaconda possesses gills gained through surgical placement that allow her to extract oxygen from the water to breathe. She is able to survive and breathe while underwater indefinitely, as well as on land.[47]
    Superhuman Strength: The bioengineering process has augmented Anaconda's musculature to superhuman levels. At her peak, she possesses sufficient superhuman strength to lift approximately 2 tons. However, while using her strength to constrict rather than lift, she possesses a grip that can only be broken by someone whose strength exceeds her own by at least a factor of 30 (60 ton strength minimum).[47]

    Superhuman Swimming Speed: Anaconda is capable of propelling herself through the water at speeds beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human swimmer. At her peak, she can propel herself at speeds of about 30 miles per hour.[48]

    Superhuman Stamina: Anaconda's superior musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of any ordinary human. At her peak, she can exert herself for several hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in her blood begins to impair her.[48]

    Superhuman Durability: Roxxon's bioengineering process has fortified the cellular structure of Anaconda's bodily tissue, making it more resistant to physical injury than the body of a normal human. She can withstand great impact forces, such as falls from great heights or being struck by a superhumanly strong opponent, that would severely injure or kill a normal human with little to no injury herself.[48]

    Superhuman Agility: Anaconda's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.[48]

    Regenerative Healing Factor: Should Anaconda be injured, her body's highly efficient metabolism enables her to heal any non-lethal injury many times faster and more extensively than an ordinary human. Injuries such as puncture wounds, slashes, or bullet wounds can completely heal within a matter of hours. More serious injuries, such as a broken bone, can fully mend within a few days. It isn't known if her accelerated healing powers afford her increased resistance to drugs and disease or if they grant her an extended lifespan.[47]

    Anaconda is a formidable hand-to-hand combatant. She typically prefers using street-fighting techniques while incorporating her ability to elongate her limbs. Her favorite method is to simply ensnare an opponent in her limbs and constrict them until they lose consciousness or expire due to the immense pressure.[47]

    The entire skeletal structure of Anaconda's arms and legs has been replaced by artificial Adamantium alloy-based bones in the basic configuration of a snake's bodily skeleton. While the alloy isn't True Adamantium, it is virtually indestructible for all practical purposes.[47]
  • Kpratish1997Kpratish1997 Member Posts: 143
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★
    Spider-Goblin (Earth-96201)
  • ThelastroninThelastronin Member Posts: 1

    Ghost Light

    Gutsen Glory


  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Hydro-Man (Supposed Class: Science)

    Molten Man (Supposed Class: Science)

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Morbius (Supposed Class: Science)

    Dracula (Supposed Class: Mystic)

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Bullseye (Supposed Class: Skill)

    Daredevil/Shadowland (Supposed Class: Mystic)

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Skaar (Supposed Class: Cosmic or Science)

    A-Bomb (Supposed Class: Science)

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Superior Spider-Man (Supposed Class: Tech or Science)

    Goblin Knight/Phil Urich (Supposed Class: Tech)

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Deathbird (Supposed Class: Cosmic)

    Vulcan (Supposed Class: Mutant)

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Ghost Rider/Roberto Reyes (Supposed Class: Mystic)

    Baroness Blood (Supposed Class: Mystic)

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Sunfire (Supposed Class: Mutant)

    Feral (Supposed Class: Mutant)

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Weapon H (Supposed Class: Science)

    Wendigo (Supposed Class: Mystic)

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Morlun (Supposed Class: Mystic)

    Spider-Man/Osborn (Supposed Class: Science)

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Mystique (Supposed Class: Mutant)

    Avalanche (Supposed Class: Mutant)

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Agatha Harkness (Supposed Class: Mystic)

    White Vision (Supposed Class: Tech)

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Valeria von Doom (Earth-99315)
    Valeria von Doom
    Marvel Girl

    Quasi-Psionic/Reality Energy Manipulation: Much like her brother Franklin Richards, Valeria Von Doom has inherited the ability to channel and manipulate quasi-psionic and reality-altering energies for a variety of effects and purposes, ranging from the creation and manipulation of force-fields, generating concussive blasts, and enhancing her physical conditions.

    Psionic Force-Field Generation: Valeria can also mentally generate a psionic field of invisible force apparently drawn from the same reality warping time and space quasi-psionic energies her brother uses, which she manipulates for a variety of effects. Most commonly, she generates near-indestructible invisible force fields around herself or other targets. She can vary the texture and tensile strength of her field to some extent, rendering it highly rigid or as soft and yielding as foam. She is capable of generating and manipulating multiple psionic force fields simultaneously. She may also use this power to create powerful force-bolts and levitate herself and other objects similar to Telekinesis.
    Concussive Blasts: She can focus her psionic energies into very powerful energy blasts of concussive and explosive force.
    Enhanced Strength: She can use her power to add force to her already powerful blows.
    Enhanced Durability: Her aura is made of the same energies she uses to make her force fields.
    Nullify Reality Alteration: She claimed she could block Franklin's reality-manipulating powers.
    Teleportation: She has the ability to teleport herself and others though the space-time continuum through force of will.
    Marvel Girl possesses an intellect on a par with her father.

    Invisi-belt: Marvel Girl uses a special belt like device to turn invisible
    Protective Armor: She was able to transform into an armored form, with the design of the armor somewhat derivative of Doctor Doom's.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Franklin Richards (Earth-12665)
    Franklin Richards

    Seemingly those of the Franklin Richards of Earth-616.


    Franklin used to possess vast telepathic powers, tremendous telekinetic powers, the ability to fire enormously powerful energy blasts, and the ability to rearrange the molecular structure of matter and energy. His powers were so great that he has been able to create pocket universes, and his abilities have been described as equal to the Celestials.[67] It was originally believed that Franklin's powers came from him being a mutant, and he was considered an Omega-level mutant;[68][69] once stated to be even beyond Omega classification.[70] In reality, Franklin's mutant status came as a result of his vast powers subconsciously altering his anatomy to a cellular level out of his desire to be special.[12] After experiencing a power depletion of unknown origin, Franklin became fully depowered.[14]
    As an adult, he was able to turn Galactus into his herald.[71] The child Franklin and Valeria combined proved powerful enough to capture and restore the very essence of Galactus, that was hidden in the heart of Eternity, effectively resurrecting him.[35] By combining the abilities of his present and future selves, Franklin was able to empower and control a previously defeated Galactus to destroy two Celestials.[55] Also, during the same battle the adult Franklin Richards was able to withstand attacks from the Celestials and even destroy one of them. In fact, only an extremely fed Galactus[54] and Reed Richards with the Universal Entropy Gun[72] were capable to perform this feat, while even the Ultimate Nullifier was unable to destroy one Mad Celestial (though it could be attributed to the wielder's weak mind).[73] An adult version of Franklin was once described as "the great enemy of the omniversal order".[74]
    An "enemy of omniversal order"
    Reality Warping (latent): Ability to manipulate reality on a pocket universal scale with his imagination and thoughts.[75] After regaining his powers from a temporary loss, the first thing Franklin did with his powers was to create another pocket universe.[50] He was stated to be an Universal Shaper by the Celestials.[76]
    Matter Manipulation (latent) : Ability to rearrange the molecular structure of matter and energy, even up to a cosmic scale. Under the guidance of his older self, he once for example stabilized a sun.[citation needed][77] Once he even turned the assault of hostile Celestials into harmless flowers.[citation needed][78]
    Time Traveling (latent): Franklin was able to time-travel to the past to meet his past self.[citation needed]
    Psionics/Psionic Resistance (latent): As "Psi-Lord", he demonstrated a wide variety of psionic powers. Even as a kid, he at least displayed a remarkable resistance to a psionic Celestial assault.[citation needed][79]
    Telekinesis (latent): Possesses telekinetic abilities enabling him to levitate and manipulate living beings, inanimate objects, and to some extent energy psionically. This also enables him to fly.[citation needed]
    Energy Projection: Ability to fire enormously powerful energy blasts which he generates from his body's extrasensory potential. These were able to temporarily destroy the demon lord Mephisto within its own realm.[80]
    Telepathy: He can read minds and project his own thoughts into the minds of others on unlimited radius. His notable abilities include:
    Illusions: Ability to create realistic telepathic illusions and cause people to experience events which are not actually occurring.
    Illusions: Ability to create realistic telepathic illusions and cause people to experience events which are not actually occurring.
    Telepathic Cloak: Can mask his presence from being detected by others. He can extend these defenses to others around him as well.
    Mind Link: Ability to develop a mental link with any person which remains as a connection to that individual.
    Telepathic Camouflage: Ability to mask himself, and other peoples' presence from those around him. Can telepathically disguise himself, making his appearance to those around him quite different (Changing the appearance of clothing, as well as more detailed disguising.).
    Mind Control: Ability to control the minds of others just by trying.
    Mind Possession: Ability to possess the mind of another, and use that being's body as his own.
    Mind Alteration: Ability to alter the minds of others by force of will.
    Mental Amnesia: Ability to cause loss of particular memories, and amnesia in another person or even in a group of people.
    Psionic Shield: Ability to erect a psychic shield for protection of himself and of others' minds.
    Psionic Blasts: Can project psionic force bolts which have no physical effects but which can affect a victim's mind so as to cause the victim pain or unconsciousness and can even kill an adversary.
    Astral Projection: Ability to Astral Travel and communicate with others astrally through his own will, or through contact with the thoughts and memories of others. In the astral realm, he can use his powers to create "ectoplasmic" objects.
    Mental Detection: Can sense the presence of other superhuman mutants within a small but as yet undefined radius of himself by perceiving the distinctive mental radiations emitted by such a being.
    Mind Transferal: Able to transfer both his mind and powers into other host bodies should his own physical body be somehow killed.
    Precognitive Dreams (latent): Precognitive abilities, which manifest themselves in his dreams, enabling him to envision possible future events. Although there are countless possible futures, Franklin foresees the most probable future path, and therefore his predictions usually come true. Franklin seemingly cannot foresee events more than roughly a few days in the future. Franklin's precognitive power developed to the point at which he could see images of future events when conscious.[citation needed]
    Dream-Self Projection (latent): Ability to place himself in a trance-like state while remaining fully conscious. While he is in this trance, he can project an intangible, ghost like image of himself to another location, through which he can see and hear what goes on at the location. What Franklin has called the “dreams” he has while in this state are not truly dreams, but his conscious awareness of the environment into which he has projected his “dream-self.”[citation needed]
    Fundamental Forces Manipulation (latent): Franklin has displayed the ability to manipulate the four fundamental forces of the universe on a potentially a cosmic scale. This ability allows him to rearrange matter to create other configurations and can even transmute elements and manipulate space-time to a degree by using gravity to distort them.[citation needed]
    Energy Constructs (latent): The ability to create anything he sees in his mind. Franklin uses this ability to make anything he can imagine and manipulate it as he sees fit. Franklin can channel this energy offensively to create weapons or blasts of energy or defensively to create force fields to protect those he loves.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Durability: Even as a kid, he has displayed a remarkable resistance to damage. Even though he was knocked unconscious, he managed to survive a direct Celestial assault with minimal damage.[citation needed][81][82]
    Duplication: After being irradiated by a meteor, Franklin briefly showed the power to duplicate.[83]
    Gestalt Merge: Franklin was able to merge with other beings, such as his sister, into a double conscious being.[83]
    Flight: Franklin is able to fly under his own power, his top speed is unknown.[61]
    Teleportation: Franklin is able to teleport anywhere in the known Multiverse.[84]
    Power Loss: Franklin's powers can be burned out through overuse.[35][1] However, while on Krakoa his powers fade to a much slower extent.[64]
    Franklin expended the rest of his powers in battle in a single punch, currently making him a depowered mutant. Due to this, the Krakoan gates do not recognize him as a mutant, and he is unable to use them.[14]
    It turns out, Franklins cosmic powers made him into a mutant subconsciously, and when he lost them, he didn't become a depowered mutant, but instead just a depowered human mutate, as he truly was before.[12]

  • DarthSidiousDarthSidious Member Posts: 27
    please come zeus
  • DarthSidiousDarthSidious Member Posts: 27

  • DarthSidiousDarthSidious Member Posts: 27

  • DarthSidiousDarthSidious Member Posts: 27

  • DarthSidiousDarthSidious Member Posts: 27

  • DarthSidiousDarthSidious Member Posts: 27

  • DarthSidiousDarthSidious Member Posts: 27

  • DarthSidiousDarthSidious Member Posts: 27

  • DarthSidiousDarthSidious Member Posts: 27
    brother and sister together (Elizabeth Braddock and Brian Braddock)
  • DarthSidiousDarthSidious Member Posts: 27

  • DarthSidiousDarthSidious Member Posts: 27
    Darwin(Armando Munoz)
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