LF alliance with 29 beasts

kabakaba Member Posts: 27
Active and skillful player looking for an alliance where are 29 boss killers


  • willemadnnel117willemadnnel117 Member Posts: 62
    Howzit howzit, we're heavy active alliance (G3) looking for some hard hitters to replace some slackers. Come check us out at We Run 4 Fun. Feel free to reach out to me directly. We're gold 3 and looking to climb but not be Karen's about it. Basically the Jamaican Bobsled team of Alliances. Work hard but play hard.
  • Sparky9494Sparky9494 Member Posts: 58

    Howzit howzit, we're heavy active alliance (G3) looking for some hard hitters to replace some slackers. Come check us out at We Run 4 Fun. Feel free to reach out to me directly. We're gold 3 and looking to climb but not be Karen's about it. Basically the Jamaican Bobsled team of Alliances. Work hard but play hard.

    Why would a 16.3k player join a G3 alliance? Go look for some 8k instead
  • DraamirDraamir Member Posts: 124
    Hey kaba msg me on line draamir48
    We are plat 3
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