7* Grand Opening Mega Thread

Howdy y'all, today is May 8th (It will be at some point in some TZ if not). What 7* champs did you get today?
All the best for the openings, hope you get the ones from your wishlist.
You can comment how many 7* crystals you will open meanwhile you wait for crystals or wish summoners luck.

All the best for the openings, hope you get the ones from your wishlist.
You can comment how many 7* crystals you will open meanwhile you wait for crystals or wish summoners luck.

I got a 7* Terrax from Twitch Giveaway today. Yay!!!. Thanks Kabam.
Could be good placeholder for a day. He He.
Dr. Zola
Hoping for KM think he's the only one in the pool I don't have as a 6*
Don't check crystal tab first today, Go to featured store. 7* crystal - 10,000 7* Shards - 2/2. That's the first two 7* crystals you should get then move on to crystal tab for rest where 7* crystal needs 15k shards. Hope it helps someone who is unaware.
Credits to @21Eggatron for reminder post
161K shards, tomorrow will be my cry day than I believe 🙏 hahahaha
Good luck everyone.
P.S happy af that Groot isn't part of the release
Then go here for rest (Costs 15k 7* shards) to get crystals at regular price: