Can we have derank tickets?

Trafalgarwar96Trafalgarwar96 Member Posts: 630 ★★★★
edited May 2023 in General Discussion
Now that there are the 7s version of some pg, can we have derank tickets for derank the 6s versions of these pg?


  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    The answer would be the same, but this post might have at least made sense if it were about 4*s when 5*s came out.
  • ShiroMikazukiShiroMikazuki Member Posts: 568 ★★★

    The answer would be the same, but this post might have at least made sense if it were about 4*s when 5*s came out.

    Last derank tickets were moleman fix
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    Well, can't wait for this to be a thing again for the next few months
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    Not the thread we want, but the thread we need.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,124 ★★★★★

    Now that there are the 7s version of some pg, can we have derank tickets for derank the 6s versions of these pg?

    Sorry to say that won't be happening.
  • AzdefAzdef Member Posts: 294 ★★
    @DNA3000 , think you ( and the 20 disagreeing gentlemen/women ) missed the humor in my post. Regardless, not really interested in rank down tickets.
    Agree with everything you mentioned but I have to to counter one point. Why is a trivial thing like rank up of a champion in a game is "irreversible" " got to live with it" "if something better comes along can't change your mind and get a do over".
    Picture this - You are in a casual relationship or good friends with someone, it gets serious, you start going around - think of it as a rank up( r1-2) . Then it gets more serious, you start living to together (r2-3) , then you get engaged (r3-4) , then marriage ( r4-5). But later in life maybe you drift apart and there is no love left in the marriage ( stop loving the champ and don't play with it) or someone new comes in your life and lights a spark ( shiny new 7* or new featured champ).
    So if the marriage/ relationship is not working out would you continue with it ?
    So if the choices you make in real life are reversible then so should the choices we makes in a video game.

    P.s - I am definitely not in favor of rank down tickets
  • Darkknight_94Darkknight_94 Member Posts: 484 ★★★
    I really want to have a de-rank ticket for absolute useless & boring champ..spcly for questings & side quests! Aka thor ragnarok.. by the time he reaches 40 hits n sp3.. always feel boring & time consuming.. i know he's great for longer fights . I can even bet that most of ppl that have r3 or 4 thor rags, they hardly use him
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,821 Guardian
    This post should be closed down by now.
    But since it isn’t, here's an alternative offer, for those wanting to basically shift all the resources over into newer/better champs now.

    If there are Rank-Down's, they would only return the “today's equivalent” of those original resources back to you.

    aka, Cats/ISO/etc are say 3x more readily available than what they were when you originally ranked up that champ.
    So if you Rank then Down today, you should only get back 1/3rd of the resources.

    Think of it as adjustment for “Game Inflation”.

    And maybe also, specify that you can only utilize those recovered resources for alternate Champs that had actually existed in the game at that original rankup time.
  • JChanceH9JChanceH9 Member Posts: 852 ★★★
    They’ll never come back, but when they did get released back in the day it was always a good feeling. Thankful they instead just made rank up resources more available.

    I still remember 4*s being hard to get let alone 5/50.

    Pre-12.0… good times.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,989 ★★★★★
    I've never been a fan of them. Briefly, they were introduced during 12.0, and we've never heard the end of them. Kabam has given them a few times since. Once for Christmas, and a select time or two when major changes to Champs have occurred. Personally, I think they're counterproductive. Ranking should be a one-way street.
  • Crimson8399Crimson8399 Member Posts: 767 ★★★
    I honestly can’t believe kabam doesn’t sell these in the unit store. They would make a fortune selling em for like $50 a piece.
  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,715 ★★★★
    I'd understand if the champion was suddenly nerfed to the ground compared to when they are introduced into the game, but if champion has no inherent nerf/adjustments. The request for rank down is unfounded and would not make sense.. if you decide to rank up a 6* champion to rank4 or rank5 (NOTE: you chose to rank them up) then subsequently pull them as 7* champion.. wouldn't it be nice to have one as defender and one rarity as attacker? Furthermore, it's going to be a while before there is a sig200 7* at rank2.. so the 6* rank5 sig200 should still be viable.. I wish I had rank4 or rank5 6*.
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