Make Battleground easy, keep +2 points win,-1 point loose in all victory track & gladiator circuit.

Don't make this game though, many people are leaving this game just because,you guys made this game 'pay to get good rewards'. Let the stronger summoner fight and deside in gladiators circuit,
Battlegrounds is a competitive game mode. Its primary intent is to allow for single player to single player PvP. The Gladiator Circuit is a purely competitive ladder mode. The Victory track is intended to be a balanced mode between competition and participation. It is intended to ease people into the mode and to allow for more casual players to participate at a lower level. It is not intended to be a hand out. It is intended to implement a difficulty curve that starts easy and slowly escalates to higher difficulty, to prepare for GC.
VT is not easy mode. VT is the on ramp to GC. It should be hard to advance at the top, because not everyone belongs in GC.
I appreciate the need of presenting the mode as a "competitive" game mode. But ultimately you need to also package in:
1) a way for to provide recent spenders with a sense of pride and accomplishment (PAA).
2) a way for players to keep playing (spending into) the mode and getting that PAA.
What use is a casino if it kicks spenders off the tables. What use is a store if it kicks spenders out. Or a drive through, or a bar, or anything else that stops doing business to ready customers.
Or a game you can't progress in.
Sure, there are times to close a business operation for maintenance. Or to create a forced break from access in order to build a sense of excitement and anticipation for people to return, or for juxtaposition. Or create an exclusive access vip room "special" thing. But it's just not smart to just hard close your lunch restaurant during lunch hour.
The current BG is set pretty well to deliver PAA for recent spenders. The current VT node (with % based effects), addition of 7-Stars (with 200+ challenge rating), matching bigger (or recent spender) accounts vs. smaller account, etc. But that's only part of it. (and even that part has a "memory leak" type issue: anti-system entropy generator)
You need to keep those casino tables open. Keep them delivering PAA for players (with glitter and players rewards and vip status perks and promise of happiness for recent spending).
And (as a different topic) you also need a better way to teach people how to play black jack enough that they are confidant to hit the table. For BG, most players still need a basic plan (enough to make a confidant decision, and get an acceptably rewarding and consistent range of outcome) for each deck slot choice, each draft choice, choosing who to fight who, and tactics in each matchup. Talk to the players that lack confidance, figure out how to give them that confidance, make sure the mode plays out to deliver PAA when they engage, and then let that core loop run as you monitor it to ensure it stays running or you modify it to fit the changing goals and needs of the stakeholders (Kabam, Netmarble, c-suite, managers, grunts, shareholders, etc.)
Also only allowing 2x shields in your inventory is ludicrous, surely if I want to save up then I should be able to save more than 2...