Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


Timmy2xsTimmy2xs Posts: 160
edited July 2023 in General Discussion
9 season in & almost every other match is against modders. This is ridiculous.This is NOT an even playing field... It hasnt been for a full calendar year now.
Post edited by Kabam Miike on


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    willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Posts: 3,565 ★★★★★
    Dang, I didn’t know spidergwen could hit so hard even with mods.
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    Am I missing something?
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    SnizzbarSnizzbar Posts: 2,157 ★★★★★
    I don't do BG so I'm genuinely baffled by your screenshots, but it looks like you won convincingly? Well done I guess? Would like to know what the issue is here
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    ChatterofforumsChatterofforums Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    Bad explanation op. I as well as many others so far seem to be confused on what your gripe is.
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    SammyDeSammyDe Posts: 980 ★★★
    edited July 2023
    Looks like you are the modder… and that Titania hits pretty hard!
    But if you think the person is cheating, you should submit a ticket to support.
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    RyanStecken2204RyanStecken2204 Posts: 30
    Why are people who obviously don’t even play bgs trying to comment on bg posts? If you can‘t grasp that Spidergwen and Galan were his defenders and it always shows that victory screen if the defender is KOed, why even comment on here and say he is the modder or that you can’t figure it out
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    JohnnooooooJohnnoooooo Posts: 131 ★★★
    Timmy has clearly taken screenshots of his opponents fights, timmys defenders are galan and spidergwen.. this is clearly a hacker
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    OpandemonioOpandemonio Posts: 1,304 ★★★★
    0:17 and 0:19 seconds for fight duration is the details guys, can y’all read?
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    Timmy2xsTimmy2xs Posts: 160
    I would LOVE to see these people post vids of them doing those fights in BG in that amount of time & those hits. R4 Galan goes into Harvest so fast on this node with the regens. He needs a proper counter. A 7* SG in 10 hits? Ha SMH

    My question is why did they take the screenshots away? I took the name out. No violation of the guidelines.

    Cheating is happening consistently in the upper echelons of GC. I see modders almost every other match & Im still in Quantum 1. Id be Mysterium 2/3 if Kabam did ANYTHING to deter it... but nope. Theyll keep their rewards again & we will all continue to suffer for it.
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