Missing Calendar

No login calendar yet this month and no login dailies.
Game version 40.1.1, iOS 16.5.1


  • lostcosbylostcosby Member Posts: 4
    I am having the exact same issue. No login calendar and no daily rewards since August 1.

    iPhone 8 Plus
    iOS 16.6
    Game version 41.0.0
  • Brewlord_95Brewlord_95 Member Posts: 13
    Weekly calendar missing for about a week now, Samsung S22 Android 13. Game updated to latest
  • AflodaiAflodai Member Posts: 6
    Haven’t noticed the calendar in some time nor any mention of its removal.
  • JCvsJDJCvsJD Member Posts: 1
    Not seen the weekly calendar for, I don't know how long?
    I just noticed it was missing today 😆
  • AflodaiAflodai Member Posts: 6
    Performed a reinstall, still no login calendar.
  • AncalagonAncalagon Member Posts: 7
    Ancalagon said:

    No login calendar yet this month and no login dailies.
    Game version 40.1.1, iOS 16.5.1

    No fix after updating to game version 41.0.0 on both phone and tablet.
    No fix after updating to iOS 16.6.
    No fix after logging out and back in to Game Center.

  • LevixLevix Member Posts: 5
    Ancalagon said:

    No login calendar yet this month and no login dailies.
    Game version 40.1.1, iOS 16.5.1

    So how about your Calendar now? Dose this issue have been fixed?
  • KingKong007KingKong007 Member Posts: 2
    Same problem with me, no login calendar.
    Calendar is still missing from 12th August,
    POCO M2, Android 11
    Game Version 41.0.0
  • AncalagonAncalagon Member Posts: 7
    Levix said:

    Ancalagon said:

    No login calendar yet this month and no login dailies.
    Game version 40.1.1, iOS 16.5.1

    So how about your Calendar now? Dose this issue have been fixed?
    Nothing all last month and this month isn’t starting any better
  • AflodaiAflodai Member Posts: 6
    Nothing here either. Hopefully, it’s an in game thing and not a gated content thing.
  • AflodaiAflodai Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2023
    And signing into support doesn’t work with the Kabam sign in used here, even when picking the Kabam sign in option. EDIT: looks like one has to re-sign up. Will report if support does or does not do the trick.
  • RalRal Member Posts: 10
    I have a same problem. You should submit a request to Kabam Support and they will fix it. I did and it works

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