Alliance War Compensation [merged]



  • CaptainAmazeOCaptainAmazeO Member Posts: 16
    edited August 2023
    Who feels like they were slighted from rewards? A few revives, some lame ass keys and loyalty. That’s honestly the best Kabam could come up with?! How pathetic
  • CHuck_fINACHuck_fINA Member Posts: 156
    I would have rather seen additional loyalty or perhaps a decently discounted loyalty store for the next 2 seasons.
    I get there's some good stuff in the gauntlet. But it wasn't enough to entice me to try it before when it was just content I could do if I wanted to. Now it's where my "compensation" is??? These 2 keys are juat going to sit in my inventory with my other 3.
    It seems senseless to have a bulk of our AW compensation locked behind a different mode. Comp should have stayed within the mode that was affected.
  • RebarkRebark Member Posts: 429 ★★★

    Golivarez said:

    Where are the war potions and grey boosts lol you know stuff that actually helps in war @Kabam Miike

    Compensation is to make up for what you missed out on, and if anything, you'd have spent AW potions and Boosts during that time, not gained more of them :tongue:
    I always go platinum 1/master and while I didn't have to play AW, I feel like maybe it was right that you guys made an objective for Paragorn that gave 25% cc6 selector and some 7 star shards.
    Like it or not for me as an endgame player, it was the biggest loss. 1000 or 2000 fragments of 7 stars would be enough.
    The explanation for this is that although we didn't play for the rewards, we count on them every 45 days (15 pre-season days + 30 season days). If we go 30 or 45 days without a season, it will be 60 or 75 days without these rewards. In my opinion, this is where it bleeds for endgame players.
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  • Osfan8Osfan8 Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    Since the compensation was mostly loyalty...which is the main reason I do it reasonable to get an eta for the expected loyalty store update so we can decide what to do with the loyalty?
  • Torres00Torres00 Member Posts: 12
    Why this AW was counting ?

    God damn it
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,584 ★★★★★
    I think the compensation is awesome. Gives me a reason to do it again with new champs that weren't released at the time. Plus it's super easy to do itemless. And gives us something to do at the end of the month.
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    I forgot howbad the gauntlet rewards were, yikes. Besides the Sig stones I can get more from a couple days of aq or a day of BG
  • Wiredawg1Wiredawg1 Member Posts: 504 ★★★★
    Comp is suppose to be just that comp based on the issue. 2/3rds of this comp has absolutely nothing to do with aw. It’s also not comp if you have to work or do stuff to get it. That’s like a store who says here a 50 dollar refund but to get the 50 dollars you got to spend 100.
  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,626 ★★★★★

    Ok, so here's my solution:

    We're going to do a secondary Comp package coming out soon. This will contain:

    Alliance War Health Potions, and Alliance War Team Health potions (Level 5! Those are rare), 2x of each of the 3 Main boosts, and 1 of each Greater 6-Hour Boost.

    We wanted to get this out as soon as possible, so we had to do something "generic" that couldn't be specific to any Alliance, progression level, etc.

    I want to thank everybody that gave us constructive feedback on this topic.

    Awesome! Well done good sir! Thank you for the prompt fix.
  • hi_im_sirhi_im_sir Member Posts: 272 ★★
    edited August 2023

    Ok, so here's my solution:

    We're going to do a secondary Comp package coming out soon. This will contain:

    Alliance War Health Potions, and Alliance War Team Health potions (Level 5! Those are rare), 2x of each of the 3 Main boosts, and 1 of each Greater 6-Hour Boost.

    We wanted to get this out as soon as possible, so we had to do something "generic" that couldn't be specific to any Alliance, progression level, etc.

    I want to thank everybody that gave us constructive feedback on this topic.

    will there be a possibility of other stuff like maybe crystal shards? some of us are maxed out on potions and boosts : /
  • DanielRandDanielRand Member Posts: 501 ★★★★

    Ok, so here's our solution:

    We're going to do a secondary Comp package coming out soon. This will contain:

    Alliance War Health Potions, and Alliance War Team Health potions (Level 5! Those are rare), 2x of each of the 3 Main boosts, and 1 of each Greater 6-Hour Boost.

    We wanted to get this out as soon as possible, so we had to do something "generic" that couldn't be specific to any Alliance, progression level, etc.

    I want to thank everybody that gave us constructive feedback on this topic.

    Thanks for the quick solution @Kabam Miike

    That's a reasonable package
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    To the guy whose comment got deleted. Miikes job entitles him to walk away. He gets paid to manage the forums. Not to service you.


    I was responding with the same thing.
    I know I get heated and can be pretty condescending at time in my responses to Kabam, but I'm not audacious enough to think that their job indentures them to me. No-one should have to put up with pure toxicity, so yeah, Miike and any other Kabam employee are allowed to walk away.

    Ok, so here's my solution:

    We're going to do a secondary Comp package coming out soon. This will contain:

    Alliance War Health Potions, and Alliance War Team Health potions (Level 5! Those are rare), 2x of each of the 3 Main boosts, and 1 of each Greater 6-Hour Boost.

    We wanted to get this out as soon as possible, so we had to do something "generic" that couldn't be specific to any Alliance, progression level, etc.

    I want to thank everybody that gave us constructive feedback on this topic.

    I think this is much more suitable. Thank you.
  • JonTheGeneralJonTheGeneral Member Posts: 13

    Ok, so here's our solution:

    We're going to do a secondary Comp package coming out soon. This will contain:

    Alliance War Health Potions, and Alliance War Team Health potions (Level 5! Those are rare), 2x of each of the 3 Main boosts, and 1 of each Greater 6-Hour Boost.

    We wanted to get this out as soon as possible, so we had to do something "generic" that couldn't be specific to any Alliance, progression level, etc.

    I want to thank everybody that gave us constructive feedback on this topic.

    For this compensation to be even remotely useful you need season to actually successfully start☠️ Even then we haven’t had war for over a month most people are capped on those “rare” Potions. More stuff to expire.

  • DukenpukeDukenpuke Member Posts: 658 ★★★

    Ok, so here's our solution:

    We're going to do a secondary Comp package coming out soon. This will contain:

    Alliance War Health Potions, and Alliance War Team Health potions (Level 5! Those are rare), 2x of each of the 3 Main boosts, and 1 of each Greater 6-Hour Boost.

    We wanted to get this out as soon as possible, so we had to do something "generic" that couldn't be specific to any Alliance, progression level, etc.

    I want to thank everybody that gave us constructive feedback on this topic.

    Much better. Still would have liked to see something in the form of gold (or even just make UC gold crystals available in the loyalty store), but this is an acceptable compromise.
  • HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    Excellent, great job. This is on top of the gauntlet keys! Thanks for the reconsideration @Kabam Miike
  • Omega_RunnerOmega_Runner Member Posts: 143 ★★
    I can just laugh at Kabam think tank.

    They should learn what does compensation term mean...
  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,096 ★★★★★
    edited August 2023
    Blimey, the new update is much reasonable. Lets remember there is going to be a loyalty store update in a few months. We’ve been given 300k loyalty. If you are already capped out on boosts/health etc, you won’t be when the season ends. You won’t need to use as much loyalty next season replenishing your stash as the boosts etc will be given in the second compensation package. So we all now have 300k of loyalty that doesn’t need to be spent on health/boosts and be used when the loyalty store updates.

    Now hopefully that loyalty update will be good :)
  • BocksaroxBocksarox Member Posts: 329 ★★★
    If the season starts August 16th, that is a three week delay from the original date in the "Extended Offseason/BG Rewards Bump" announcement. How long does a season last? Four weeks? That is 3/4 of a season in delays. That is 3/4 of a season beyond what the bump in BG rewards was supposed to cover.

    To me, fair looks a little something like 3/4 of what my alliance received for rewards the previous season. Rounding up to the full 100% would be a very appreciated gesture, especially considering most of us have been very patient as Kabam has been sorting out a surplus of issues.
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,879 ★★★★★

    Ok, so here's our solution:

    We're going to do a secondary Comp package coming out soon. This will contain:

    Alliance War Health Potions, and Alliance War Team Health potions (Level 5! Those are rare), 2x of each of the 3 Main boosts, and 1 of each Greater 6-Hour Boost.

    We wanted to get this out as soon as possible, so we had to do something "generic" that couldn't be specific to any Alliance, progression level, etc.

    I want to thank everybody that gave us constructive feedback on this topic.

    Thanks man.
  • HoneyBadgerrrHoneyBadgerrr Member Posts: 18

    Ok, so here's our solution:

    We're going to do a secondary Comp package coming out soon. This will contain:

    Alliance War Health Potions, and Alliance War Team Health potions (Level 5! Those are rare), 2x of each of the 3 Main boosts, and 1 of each Greater 6-Hour Boost.

    We wanted to get this out as soon as possible, so we had to do something "generic" that couldn't be specific to any Alliance, progression level, etc.

    I want to thank everybody that gave us constructive feedback on this topic.

    So instead of Plat 4 rewards, we are to use a key to spend more resources they have monetized. The only thing keeping me playing is my alliance despite Kabam. Plat 4 rewards vs this garbage Hmmmm
  • PottamusPottamus Member Posts: 4
    Well they just released some more “compensation”. Better because it’s at least usefull for AW but I think we all were looking for rank up materials. Not boosts. This changed nothing
  • Lee99Lee99 Member Posts: 97
    I personally think it's good. But for the average players absolutely not.
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