Unable to Bind Relics to AW Defenders No Matter What I Try

EliOrSomethingEliOrSomething Member Posts: 115 ★★
I’ve tried everything to bind a relic to a 7* chavez ive been using in my AW defense and I can confidently say its either impossible or WAY too difficult. I’ve tried binding after completing a war, it says shes locked. I try to pull my defenders and bind the relic then, it still says shes locked into AW, I’ve literally tried everything short of fully pulling her from my defense for a war or two which I don’t want to have to do, she’s a vital part of defense that almost always gets a kill, please just change it to where we can bind relics to defenders… relics arent even in AW so what does binding them to defenders while they're placed change?


  • Mother_FlerkenMother_Flerken Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    Pull her from war defence and set defence, put relic on, put her back in defence.
  • EliOrSomethingEliOrSomething Member Posts: 115 ★★

    Pull her from war defence and set defence, put relic on, put her back in defence.

    I’ll try this, even if this does work does that not seem like a very convoluted way to do something that should be very simple?
  • Ironside47Ironside47 Member Posts: 525 ★★★
    I’m trying to use defenders in AQ but they’re locked in war despite war being finished.
  • EliOrSomethingEliOrSomething Member Posts: 115 ★★

    Pull her from war defence and set defence, put relic on, put her back in defence.

    Update, this didn't work even after having finished the war I was currently in, it still said my chavez was being used in a quest. This needs MOD attention I feel
  • A_FungiA_Fungi Member Posts: 1,034 ★★★★

    Pull her from war defence and set defence, put relic on, put her back in defence.

    Update, this didn't work even after having finished the war I was currently in, it still said my chavez was being used in a quest. This needs MOD attention I feel
    Did you pull her from all 3 maps? If you are not in an active war and replace her on all 3 maps, it should work .

    May the odds be forever in your favor.
  • EliOrSomethingEliOrSomething Member Posts: 115 ★★
    I still have yet to see any response from MODs or any reason why we can’t just bind relics to champs while they’re in AW even though Relics have no effect on AW. Please can I get a response from someone at Kabam? There is no reason this process should be THIS difficult
  • EliOrSomethingEliOrSomething Member Posts: 115 ★★
    Alongside this I now find I am UNABLE to unbind a relic from my 7* Elsa. I had a 4* ws relic, I pulled a 5*, I go to unbind the 4* and click unbind… surprise surprise… nothing happens, the tab asking me whether or not I would like to unbind goes away and it goes back to the previous screen showing my 7* Elsa, STILL BOUND to the 4* WS… At this point I’m starting to believe the binding and unbinding of Relics has further issues than I thought besides just when applied to AW defenders
  • EliOrSomethingEliOrSomething Member Posts: 115 ★★
    Bringing this back up to the top in hopes it gets some kind of response… starting to lose hope
  • A_FungiA_Fungi Member Posts: 1,034 ★★★★

    Bringing this back up to the top in hopes it gets some kind of response… starting to lose hope

    I appreciate your optimism.
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