Loyalty selector decision

Should I get CGR or the R5 Crystal?

Overseer is my only R4 and I can R4 one other champ all the others are R3
All below are R1or2 but I have either the catalysts or rank up gems to get to R3

Also I have a 5* CGR I love using

Overseer is my only R4 and I can R4 one other champ all the others are R3
All below are R1or2 but I have either the catalysts or rank up gems to get to R3

Also I have a 5* CGR I love using
2. Valkyrie, scorpion, hulk, and future ant man will wreck some paths for you.
3. The 5 star CGR should do well enough through at least 7.2
If this was my account, I'd go for the R5. Then see which class it comes out. Mystic, skill, science or tech, you're going to have some fun. I'm sure there will be other opportunities to target 6 star CGR.
AGAIN, this is IF this were my account.
Knowing that this r5 Sinister is out there makes me rethink putting my newly duped Gully 2099 in my BG deck. Props on the rankup
I’m considering using it on apoc but I dunno