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BG burnout

I like BG mode, but this season, it has been challenging to advance to the gladiator circuit. To win five rounds to reach has been difficult for me and other players I have talked about.
The format victory = +2 points/defeat = -1 point seems more straightforward to manage.
I will reach the 450k target soon, far from GC (I am in Vibranium III).

I would like to know if the average players face similar situations in the BG.


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    flapjaxflapjax Posts: 285 ★★★
    This season felt weirdly easier for me, I think because I naturally have a lot of Sugar Pill defenders leveled up (love mystics), as well as a good amount of Decay attackers.

    I noticed a lot of the people I'm playing don't seem to build their deck or draft around the nodes, and just use their standard BG deck of meta champs. I've had a ton of games where my opponents draft literally 0 Decay attackers and they really end up hurting themselves.

    Most/some seasons it can take me like 15-20 games to get out of Diamond 1 or Vib 3 and going on long win 1 lose 1 streaks, but didn't really happen this season.
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    ShiroiharaShiroihara Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    edited November 2023
    Not as difficult as I expected it to be. As people move up the tiers it will get easier.
    Things that have helped me;
    - Take note of what match-ups work and which ones don’t, for both you and your opponent
    - Don’t be stingy with shields and save them for those crucial last medals
    - Don’t rush the fight. Even if your opponent has a nuke they might take damage or mess up completely.
    - Never consider a match lost because you lost the first round. I’ve won plenty that way. Not sure if people get overconfident or just chill.
    - Tweak your deck as you go and invest in rank ups.
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    phillgreenphillgreen Posts: 3,853 ★★★★★
    Got to GC yesterday after a decent win streak (something like 12/1) but despite some peoples objections, well maybe one, it is more important to maintain your health than go for glory and eat combos just to get a fast win.

    Points wise, im somewhere near 220k.
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    AshacekarAshacekar Posts: 1,856 ★★★★
    Do Vibranium tiers in last week or last few days. Farm some units for victory sheilds.
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    JHRanchJHRanch Posts: 71
    Im near 405k...you'll get there with repetition...its partly luck with matchups so do a ton to increase your chances
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    ChrisPowellChrisPowell Posts: 128
    When I start trading win I'll lower my activity level in BG for a few days and let some weaker accounts catch up. Not only makes it a letter easier to advance it helps with burn out to just take breaks for a few days every week.
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