Necropolis Path 1 write-up by an *average? paragon

willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 4,882 ★★★★★
I did a run and did terrible at it so you don’t have too. Ok, you still have to, but maybe you can save a revive or two from my mistakes. The run was completed Friday night, but I just got around to typing my notes.

R4 Aegon max sig with 5* relic valk [my only skill 5*]
R1 Proxima [for combo shield and fury synergy]
R4 Fury [for attack boost]
Heimdall [great for tanking a sp3]
R5 ascended Sinister with no relic since I forgot [be sure to check out the GM notes – he was taken up for this as soon as I knew GM was going to be in this even without knowing the nodes]

The stash:
75 L1 revives, 41 L2 revies 11 Team revives [didn’t use any] ???? potions as I didn’t really heal much and didn’t keep track

The plan:
The same as always for a first run of the *average? Paragon – ramp up Aegon, then revive the way through while max boosted. Nodes? What nodes? I tried multiple paths to start, but decided that Titania was the easiest to ramp up Aegon on.

Titania – Aegon [~14 revives]
After multiple tries, I decided that my limit was 150 combos. So as soon as I would reach 150, I would exit out to bank those charges. I learned earlier on that I am not the best dexterity master when rooted, so almost all of my revives were spent before or SLIGHTLY AFTEr they reached halfway mark on their timers for all fights. I got clipped by Titania’s special often or by her haymaker. If you’re a patient player, she should be rather easy once you get in the flow. I would try to get her in the corner so I’d have more room to retreat when her haymaker went off. Also, if she’s in the corner, she can’t charge and register her haymaker. When it was getting close to the sp3 for her, or my timer was running down, I would launch a sp3 and then chain my striker if I could do so to extend the combo. Also, I forgot that I am not good at being hit with Aegon’s heavy and would often mistime it [both with Titania and throughout the entire run]. I was probably only able to successfully do it 3 dozen times throughout my ENTIRE match. So if you can do it, then you should be able to save many more revives than me.

Aarkus – Aegon [~8 revives with starting at 945 combo]
My first three times I died rather quickly because I forgot that I wasn’t at a 999 starting point and was wondering why I wasn’t going unblockable. When I finally got in the flow of it, it went much more smoothly. I would go in for a mlll and then back off before the coldsnap kicked in. I would try to bait his sp1, then sp2 and take the block damage for sp2 [it wasn’t that much]. When he would get to an sp 3, I would launch my sp3 to stun him, and then do a mlllm, mlllm, mm, mlllm, and chain my striker and then see how much damage could be done. A few times I forgot about his sig ability, so make sure you parry and put his sig on cooldown before throwing your sp3. The tranquilizer trap does make this difficklult at some times. Last fight was quit out so I could ramp up Sinister.

Omega Sentienl – Aegon [~5 revives]
This was a rather easy fight compared to the others. Itbwas mostly just fighting, baiting her sp1 until she was at about half of her Necro charges, and then going in until I died. She did autoblock me once and stun me, which then resulted in my dying [I think the auto block was related to her phase 2 node, but I wasn’t sure. I didn’t know if she could parry unblockables].

Air Walker – Aegon [~5 suicides turned on now +1 Sinister]
I don’t really remember Aegon’s abilities. I just know that my Doom always smokes him. So when I read his node, I thought that it would be a piece of cake. Just knock him down, right? Luckily, My first two runs went very well. Just baited the sp1 and two, then do my usual Aegon unblockable and sp3 chain to striker and max damage thing. After my first two runs at him he was at 24%. Then, he became a terror. I died almost instantly on the 3rd fight. He got to a sp3 and there was no help after that sp3 was done, even with Heimdell saving me. My next two [or maybe three] was just squeaking out as much as I could before he went to a sp3 himself. Luckily, one time, I was able to get a sp3 and chain two striker attacks on him simply because he didn’t throw his own sp3. But this fight I will definitely plan for better next time around [and watch/tread some guides]. Last fight was quit out to bring Sinister to ramp up.

Captain Britain: Aegon [~4 revives+1 revive for Sinister]
This one wasn’t so hard. I just had to remember that my controls were reversed. So I would parry, swipe backwards [or forwards on the occasions when they weren’t] and then just do four lights. I didn’t want to throw in a medium and swip the wrong way. I would also, after the mllll, often dash backwards and wait of the timer if the flow wasn’t going well for me. The sp2 was also a sinch to dodge. Also died with 350k hp left so thought I’d ramp up Sinister. He died before getting the KO so he cost an extra revive.

Wiccan – Aegon [6 revives]
I thought that this one would be worse than it actually was. I had no idea what to expect form this node. Plus, Sometimes when facing Wiccan, I have no idea what he’s doing. His spells just seem bonkers to me and I can’t keep them straight. So the plan was get him to sp2 [because I think he regens off of sp1] and then just keep going. I’m still not entirely sure how his node worked. I just tried to make it so my power didn’t match his. I don’t think his node ever even activated in any of my fights. Using my striker to extend an attack to get to the next level and fire off my special seemed to work well. I did HAVE to make sure that I finished him off with Sinister so I would get the mystic power increase charge.

Psycho-Man – Aegon [7 revives]
I know I should be aware of Pyscho-Man’s abilities, but I’m not. He was able to kill me with a sp3 several times, whereas normally Heimdell would save me. So I’m guessing he was an ability accuracy modification or something with one of his moods. Or maybe it was his node stripping my buffs away. Either way, it was a slow grind where I just got in as much damage as I could. I ended up throwing sp2 [which I normally wouldn’t do since it drained my health] to get that massive bleed. His node, for some reason, was one of the harder nodes I faced during my run. And forget about me trying to dex that sp2. Also, his specials were long which didn’t help with me managing the timer.

Guardian – Aegon [6 revives]
Aegon was perfect for this fight. Ramped up, he can just ignore Guardian’s node. However, three things were against me. 1) I can’t dex his sp2, and I would still try to. 1) I’d think I could dex his first hit of sp1, but I kept getting clipped. 3) Dexxing whike rooted isn’t my thing, so I was still often limited by his timer. It should have been an easier fight, but alas, it is an *average? Paragon. It should have just been like a normal, long slog of a Guardian fight.

Valk – Aegon [5 revives + 1 for Sinister]
I thought This fight might be difficult and was ready to invest some serious revives in it. I wasn’t sure how the node “Strikes into opponents block” was going to work since I’d be unblockable, but the parrying, parrying again, and just attacking seemed to work. Again, I didn’t always understand what was going on, because sometimes it’d seem that Valk would get a pierce when I wasn’t expecting it. She has easy specials to dex for me so it didn’t matter if she threw a lot. My main downfall was again, not being able to dex whilst rooted.

Red Guardian – Aegon [ 3 revives + 1 sinister]
It was similar to the Guardian fight as it just should be a long, slow, boring fight. And it was. Died with Red Guardian being close to dead so Sinister finished him off.

Sam Wilson – Aegon [7 revives]
I thought that being unblockable would make this easy, but I did get clipped by his sp2 while trying to bait his sp1. That’s how I died almost every time. I did successfully dodge it once though. My notes also said that I got stunned, but I don’t see how that could have happened so maybe I was delusional at this point.

Dragon Man – Aegon [14 Revives + 2 Sinister]
I thought that healing up on this would help, but it didn’t I tried that for the first 4 revives and then just continued reviving without healing.

He was a pain. I would stun him initially to remove his power charge, then attack. When his power charge was about ready to come back, I’d lay off my attack so he wouldn’t get crits and become stun immune. I’d also try to time it so that he’d be just above sp2 or sp1 when his power charge came so I could stun him and remove it. I liked going for the sp2 better because his sp1 is so long and then his power charge comes back quicker. But I did have to face his sp3 frequently which was no fun. So the strategy was often deal damage, chain striker, deal damage, repeat. I put sinister in at about 550K. He died and then finished him off.

CAIW – Aegon [5 revives]
Familiarize yourself with his sig ability. I’d try to get him to throw his sp1 since it’s easier for me to dex. If you get 5 Kinetic charges on him, your Aegon is shut down for 10 seconds due to the concussion debuff [fury buff, parry, etc]. The fight itself wasn’t too hard though.

Nova – Aegon [24 revives or maybe more; forgot to sub in sinister for the KO]
He again should[?] be easy, but I don’t know what his novas charge do at each level. Plus, Like Guardian, I thought I could always dex his specials. But I couldn’t. But yet, I still tried. Nova was just a revive fest for me. Take a few percentage points off, revive. Die. Take a huge chunk off, die. Repeat. My final run was going so well that I forgot to exit out and sub Sinister in.

GM Phase 1 – Aegon [5 revives]
Aegon was great for this. I still stunk at dexing his sp1 initial blow. I initially started out with making dex my last banned tactic, but then he’d fire his sp1 right away and clip me. So what I ended up doing was making the last ban tactic parry and then dashing away so I could dex it better/with more time. If I ever did a parry though, I’d do a heavy and hope that the knockdown was then banned so I could keep parrying. One run I did was just MM, dash back, MM over and over again because he never banned my dex. The Red Light, Green Light was a pain. I’d normally take one token of Impotency each time that happened.

Phase 2 – Aegon [6 revives]
No Red Light, Green Light, which I loved.
I was done with the GM at this point so I was just going to brute force it since Aegon doesn’t have access to a DoT effect since you are power locked at 1 bar. However, by chance, I got lucky twice and was able to get him wounded twice. Ramped up Aegon does some pretty nice damage over seven seconds. I think that my rotation while wounded was mlllm, mlllm, mm, mlllm to get the most hits in.

Phase 3 – Aegon [2 revives – Yes, 2]
I was going to use my same strategy that I did with Captain Britain: just take small chunks. But GM was super, duper, amazingly cooperative. Each run started with me doing mllll [I didn’t do mlllm because I didn’t want to mess up and accidently swipe the wrong way and get far away from him] On one run, He let me throw a sp2 twice, use 4 strikers and many combos all while he had a sp3 ready to launch. So I don’t really know how hard this phase was, I was just shocked that it went so fast.

Phase 4 – Aegon died and Sinister finished
Aegon died after he took off the intercept charge. Sinister cleaned up nicely. Ramped up, he healed from crits [I don’t know if I took one though]. I assumed he hit hard [cosmics and skill form valk] but it didn’t matter since he was at 1hp/1% - not sure which honestly. Sinsiter r5 ascended has a massive health pool [over 100k when boosted] and some amazing power gain from the mystic fights. But best of all, he’s reverse control immune.

When I saw/heard that the GM was going to in the next Everest content, I just knew that reverse controls would be a thing so I picked the beefiest reverse control immune guy to help out ol’ little Masacre – and now that his mission is accomplished, I’ll be returning on Thanksgiving.

My rewards were a r3 cosmic gem so I picked two cosmic crystals [hoping for Odin but got Venom and Terrax] and then I ascended Aegon for my next run. I hope that you enjoyed the write up, and I parry that you’ll do better than I did.

TL;DR - I hate NOVA. Learn to heavy attack with Aegon and your run will be less.
Item Usage: 128 [12 revives bought], 40: 5K hp potions used


  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,165 ★★★★
    @willrun4adonut , I always look for your write ups. Nice work!

    Gives me something to aim for.. farming units and items at the mo...
  • Wong_98Wong_98 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    How’d you get 75 lvl 1 revives?
  • AshacekarAshacekar Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    edited November 2023
    Oh then it's tough. I saw BG's path 1 stream where he used 51 revives and i thought okie maybe i can think of it. Now that i see your revive count, i m scared again. I m not sure if i m above average or below average paragon though. Today i was practicing reverse controls in 6.1.6. I m kind of thinking to do path 1 before jan 15, hoarding units and revives for now.
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,458 ★★★★
    edited November 2023
    Is it optimal to turn on suicides when you reach Air Walker...that seems kind of costly to do for my remaining 5 paths, Turn on, turn off, turn on, turn off, etc. That's easily 120+ units each time, cause I also run 3/3 Despair, 5/5 DW, and 1 in Assassin.

    I get the purpose, since you want to spam a bunch of sp1s when initially ramping, but still.
  • Phillip14233Phillip14233 Member Posts: 581 ★★★
    I’m going in with aegon soon, I sure hope it doesn’t take 128 revives lol
  • Sarah245Sarah245 Member Posts: 122 ★★

    I’m going in with aegon soon, I sure hope it doesn’t take 128 revives lol

    Same. I don't even have suicides lol.
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,458 ★★★★
    edited November 2023

    I’m going in with aegon soon, I sure hope it doesn’t take 128 revives lol

    Here was my before/after stash. This was without Aegon or Shuri, but Kate ascended, Zemo, Wiccan, Odin, and Chavez. Keep in mind I made plenty of senseless mistakes that could've avoided heavy use in a couple fights (ex. getting 3 deaths to Air Walker and deciding to keep going, etc)



  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 4,882 ★★★★★

    I’m going in with aegon soon, I sure hope it doesn’t take 128 revives lol

    Here's the main reason (summary) from my write up why I used so many revives:

    1. I can't do the heavy Aegon thingy. I die too frequently. I was able to do it MAYBE 3 dozen times my entire run.
    2. I can't dex reliably while rooted so most of the time my fights only later until the timer was at the halfway mark.
  • JT_SupremeJT_Supreme Member Posts: 1,246 ★★★★

    I’m going in with aegon soon, I sure hope it doesn’t take 128 revives lol

    Here's the main reason (summary) from my write up why I used so many revives:

    1. I can't do the heavy Aegon thingy. I die too frequently. I was able to do it MAYBE 3 dozen times my entire run.
    2. I can't dex reliably while rooted so most of the time my fights only later until the timer was at the halfway mark.
    I learned from watch Pepe’s stream that if you have unstoppable activated, do one medium, let the ai hit you, then continue the combo with the fury’s. it’s much easier than the heavy thing.
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 4,882 ★★★★★
    Wong_98 said:

    How’d you get 75 lvl 1 revives?

    Farmed then, though it took a really long time. Energy refills were overflowing to the max and then I just went for it farming paths. Not nearly as good as it used to be though.
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,491 ★★★★
    edited November 2023
    How useful was Heimdall synergy?

    With the global nodes, it seems only useful for tanking one SP3, but based on your write up, you seem to indicate that it wasn't useful against Air Walker and Psychoman.

    Do you think Heimdall is still worth a spot, or would you recommend some other champion (either for synergy or to handle a specific defender)?
  • Wong_98Wong_98 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★

    Wong_98 said:

    How’d you get 75 lvl 1 revives?

    Farmed then, though it took a really long time. Energy refills were overflowing to the max and then I just went for it farming paths. Not nearly as good as it used to be though.
    What quests did you farm?
  • JT_SupremeJT_Supreme Member Posts: 1,246 ★★★★
    Wong_98 said:

    Wong_98 said:

    How’d you get 75 lvl 1 revives?

    Farmed then, though it took a really long time. Energy refills were overflowing to the max and then I just went for it farming paths. Not nearly as good as it used to be though.
    What quests did you farm?
    Farmed mine at (Redacted).
  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    edited November 2023
    About revives farming: I see some story maps being named, but since Kabam drastically lowered the drop rates, isn‘t the apothecary now a good spot? About once a week I get an L2 revive on the lower path… And one path is only 24 energy…

    So if you have 70 energy, that‘s about 3 runs through the apothecary… I would guess that on average, every 2 energy refills (6 runs) may give you one L2 revive…

    Just a guess, but what‘s the drop rate on the new story spots?
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 4,882 ★★★★★
    edited November 2023

    Wong_98 said:

    Wong_98 said:

    How’d you get 75 lvl 1 revives?

    Farmed then, though it took a really long time. Energy refills were overflowing to the max and then I just went for it farming paths. Not nearly as good as it used to be though.
    What quests did you farm?
    Farmed mine at (Redacted).
    I farm at (Redacted), but it's not as great as it was before nerf 1 and nerf 2.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,140 ★★★★★

    I did a run and did terrible at it so you don’t have too. Ok, you still have to, but maybe you can save a revive or two from my mistakes. The run was completed Friday night, but I just got around to typing my notes.

    R4 Aegon max sig with 5* relic valk [my only skill 5*]
    R1 Proxima [for combo shield and fury synergy]
    R4 Fury [for attack boost]
    Heimdall [great for tanking a sp3]
    R5 ascended Sinister with no relic since I forgot [be sure to check out the GM notes – he was taken up for this as soon as I knew GM was going to be in this even without knowing the nodes]

    The stash:
    75 L1 revives, 41 L2 revies 11 Team revives [didn’t use any] ???? potions as I didn’t really heal much and didn’t keep track

    The plan:
    The same as always for a first run of the *average? Paragon – ramp up Aegon, then revive the way through while max boosted. Nodes? What nodes? I tried multiple paths to start, but decided that Titania was the easiest to ramp up Aegon on.

    Titania – Aegon [~14 revives]
    After multiple tries, I decided that my limit was 150 combos. So as soon as I would reach 150, I would exit out to bank those charges. I learned earlier on that I am not the best dexterity master when rooted, so almost all of my revives were spent before or SLIGHTLY AFTEr they reached halfway mark on their timers for all fights. I got clipped by Titania’s special often or by her haymaker. If you’re a patient player, she should be rather easy once you get in the flow. I would try to get her in the corner so I’d have more room to retreat when her haymaker went off. Also, if she’s in the corner, she can’t charge and register her haymaker. When it was getting close to the sp3 for her, or my timer was running down, I would launch a sp3 and then chain my striker if I could do so to extend the combo. Also, I forgot that I am not good at being hit with Aegon’s heavy and would often mistime it [both with Titania and throughout the entire run]. I was probably only able to successfully do it 3 dozen times throughout my ENTIRE match. So if you can do it, then you should be able to save many more revives than me.

    Aarkus – Aegon [~8 revives with starting at 945 combo]
    My first three times I died rather quickly because I forgot that I wasn’t at a 999 starting point and was wondering why I wasn’t going unblockable. When I finally got in the flow of it, it went much more smoothly. I would go in for a mlll and then back off before the coldsnap kicked in. I would try to bait his sp1, then sp2 and take the block damage for sp2 [it wasn’t that much]. When he would get to an sp 3, I would launch my sp3 to stun him, and then do a mlllm, mlllm, mm, mlllm, and chain my striker and then see how much damage could be done. A few times I forgot about his sig ability, so make sure you parry and put his sig on cooldown before throwing your sp3. The tranquilizer trap does make this difficklult at some times. Last fight was quit out so I could ramp up Sinister.

    Omega Sentienl – Aegon [~5 revives]
    This was a rather easy fight compared to the others. Itbwas mostly just fighting, baiting her sp1 until she was at about half of her Necro charges, and then going in until I died. She did autoblock me once and stun me, which then resulted in my dying [I think the auto block was related to her phase 2 node, but I wasn’t sure. I didn’t know if she could parry unblockables].

    Air Walker – Aegon [~5 suicides turned on now +1 Sinister]
    I don’t really remember Aegon’s abilities. I just know that my Doom always smokes him. So when I read his node, I thought that it would be a piece of cake. Just knock him down, right? Luckily, My first two runs went very well. Just baited the sp1 and two, then do my usual Aegon unblockable and sp3 chain to striker and max damage thing. After my first two runs at him he was at 24%. Then, he became a terror. I died almost instantly on the 3rd fight. He got to a sp3 and there was no help after that sp3 was done, even with Heimdell saving me. My next two [or maybe three] was just squeaking out as much as I could before he went to a sp3 himself. Luckily, one time, I was able to get a sp3 and chain two striker attacks on him simply because he didn’t throw his own sp3. But this fight I will definitely plan for better next time around [and watch/tread some guides]. Last fight was quit out to bring Sinister to ramp up.

    Captain Britain: Aegon [~4 revives+1 revive for Sinister]
    This one wasn’t so hard. I just had to remember that my controls were reversed. So I would parry, swipe backwards [or forwards on the occasions when they weren’t] and then just do four lights. I didn’t want to throw in a medium and swip the wrong way. I would also, after the mllll, often dash backwards and wait of the timer if the flow wasn’t going well for me. The sp2 was also a sinch to dodge. Also died with 350k hp left so thought I’d ramp up Sinister. He died before getting the KO so he cost an extra revive.

    Wiccan – Aegon [6 revives]
    I thought that this one would be worse than it actually was. I had no idea what to expect form this node. Plus, Sometimes when facing Wiccan, I have no idea what he’s doing. His spells just seem bonkers to me and I can’t keep them straight. So the plan was get him to sp2 [because I think he regens off of sp1] and then just keep going. I’m still not entirely sure how his node worked. I just tried to make it so my power didn’t match his. I don’t think his node ever even activated in any of my fights. Using my striker to extend an attack to get to the next level and fire off my special seemed to work well. I did HAVE to make sure that I finished him off with Sinister so I would get the mystic power increase charge.

    Psycho-Man – Aegon [7 revives]
    I know I should be aware of Pyscho-Man’s abilities, but I’m not. He was able to kill me with a sp3 several times, whereas normally Heimdell would save me. So I’m guessing he was an ability accuracy modification or something with one of his moods. Or maybe it was his node stripping my buffs away. Either way, it was a slow grind where I just got in as much damage as I could. I ended up throwing sp2 [which I normally wouldn’t do since it drained my health] to get that massive bleed. His node, for some reason, was one of the harder nodes I faced during my run. And forget about me trying to dex that sp2. Also, his specials were long which didn’t help with me managing the timer.

    Guardian – Aegon [6 revives]
    Aegon was perfect for this fight. Ramped up, he can just ignore Guardian’s node. However, three things were against me. 1) I can’t dex his sp2, and I would still try to. 1) I’d think I could dex his first hit of sp1, but I kept getting clipped. 3) Dexxing whike rooted isn’t my thing, so I was still often limited by his timer. It should have been an easier fight, but alas, it is an *average? Paragon. It should have just been like a normal, long slog of a Guardian fight.

    Valk – Aegon [5 revives + 1 for Sinister]
    I thought This fight might be difficult and was ready to invest some serious revives in it. I wasn’t sure how the node “Strikes into opponents block” was going to work since I’d be unblockable, but the parrying, parrying again, and just attacking seemed to work. Again, I didn’t always understand what was going on, because sometimes it’d seem that Valk would get a pierce when I wasn’t expecting it. She has easy specials to dex for me so it didn’t matter if she threw a lot. My main downfall was again, not being able to dex whilst rooted.

    Red Guardian – Aegon [ 3 revives + 1 sinister]
    It was similar to the Guardian fight as it just should be a long, slow, boring fight. And it was. Died with Red Guardian being close to dead so Sinister finished him off.

    Sam Wilson – Aegon [7 revives]
    I thought that being unblockable would make this easy, but I did get clipped by his sp2 while trying to bait his sp1. That’s how I died almost every time. I did successfully dodge it once though. My notes also said that I got stunned, but I don’t see how that could have happened so maybe I was delusional at this point.

    Dragon Man – Aegon [14 Revives + 2 Sinister]
    I thought that healing up on this would help, but it didn’t I tried that for the first 4 revives and then just continued reviving without healing.

    He was a pain. I would stun him initially to remove his power charge, then attack. When his power charge was about ready to come back, I’d lay off my attack so he wouldn’t get crits and become stun immune. I’d also try to time it so that he’d be just above sp2 or sp1 when his power charge came so I could stun him and remove it. I liked going for the sp2 better because his sp1 is so long and then his power charge comes back quicker. But I did have to face his sp3 frequently which was no fun. So the strategy was often deal damage, chain striker, deal damage, repeat. I put sinister in at about 550K. He died and then finished him off.

    CAIW – Aegon [5 revives]
    Familiarize yourself with his sig ability. I’d try to get him to throw his sp1 since it’s easier for me to dex. If you get 5 Kinetic charges on him, your Aegon is shut down for 10 seconds due to the concussion debuff [fury buff, parry, etc]. The fight itself wasn’t too hard though.

    Nova – Aegon [24 revives or maybe more; forgot to sub in sinister for the KO]
    He again should[?] be easy, but I don’t know what his novas charge do at each level. Plus, Like Guardian, I thought I could always dex his specials. But I couldn’t. But yet, I still tried. Nova was just a revive fest for me. Take a few percentage points off, revive. Die. Take a huge chunk off, die. Repeat. My final run was going so well that I forgot to exit out and sub Sinister in.

    GM Phase 1 – Aegon [5 revives]
    Aegon was great for this. I still stunk at dexing his sp1 initial blow. I initially started out with making dex my last banned tactic, but then he’d fire his sp1 right away and clip me. So what I ended up doing was making the last ban tactic parry and then dashing away so I could dex it better/with more time. If I ever did a parry though, I’d do a heavy and hope that the knockdown was then banned so I could keep parrying. One run I did was just MM, dash back, MM over and over again because he never banned my dex. The Red Light, Green Light was a pain. I’d normally take one token of Impotency each time that happened.

    Phase 2 – Aegon [6 revives]
    No Red Light, Green Light, which I loved.
    I was done with the GM at this point so I was just going to brute force it since Aegon doesn’t have access to a DoT effect since you are power locked at 1 bar. However, by chance, I got lucky twice and was able to get him wounded twice. Ramped up Aegon does some pretty nice damage over seven seconds. I think that my rotation while wounded was mlllm, mlllm, mm, mlllm to get the most hits in.

    Phase 3 – Aegon [2 revives – Yes, 2]
    I was going to use my same strategy that I did with Captain Britain: just take small chunks. But GM was super, duper, amazingly cooperative. Each run started with me doing mllll [I didn’t do mlllm because I didn’t want to mess up and accidently swipe the wrong way and get far away from him] On one run, He let me throw a sp2 twice, use 4 strikers and many combos all while he had a sp3 ready to launch. So I don’t really know how hard this phase was, I was just shocked that it went so fast.

    Phase 4 – Aegon died and Sinister finished
    Aegon died after he took off the intercept charge. Sinister cleaned up nicely. Ramped up, he healed from crits [I don’t know if I took one though]. I assumed he hit hard [cosmics and skill form valk] but it didn’t matter since he was at 1hp/1% - not sure which honestly. Sinsiter r5 ascended has a massive health pool [over 100k when boosted] and some amazing power gain from the mystic fights. But best of all, he’s reverse control immune.

    When I saw/heard that the GM was going to in the next Everest content, I just knew that reverse controls would be a thing so I picked the beefiest reverse control immune guy to help out ol’ little Masacre – and now that his mission is accomplished, I’ll be returning on Thanksgiving.

    My rewards were a r3 cosmic gem so I picked two cosmic crystals [hoping for Odin but got Venom and Terrax] and then I ascended Aegon for my next run. I hope that you enjoyed the write up, and I parry that you’ll do better than I did.

    TL;DR - I hate NOVA. Learn to heavy attack with Aegon and your run will be less.
    Item Usage: 128 [12 revives bought], 40: 5K hp potions used

    Congrats! Looking forward to your Path 1 & 3 write ups!

    Dr. Zola
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 4,882 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:


    Congrats! Looking forward to your Path 1 & 3 write ups!

    Dr. Zola

    Thanks. Though you should know better than to quote the entire text. 😜
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 4,882 ★★★★★
    altavista said:

    How useful was Heimdall synergy?

    With the global nodes, it seems only useful for tanking one SP3, but based on your write up, you seem to indicate that it wasn't useful against Air Walker and Psychoman.

    Do you think Heimdall is still worth a spot, or would you recommend some other champion (either for synergy or to handle a specific defender)?

    For myself, I would still keep Heimdall. I don't know who I would sub out for synergy wise or fighter wise. I used Aegon for everything, and from the videos that I've now watched, I don't think bringing any other person would have matter much to my revive count as I don't have their skills.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,140 ★★★★★

    DrZola said:


    Congrats! Looking forward to your Path 1 & 3 write ups!

    Dr. Zola

    Thanks. Though you should know better than to quote the entire text. 😜
    Too tired and lazy from my completion run.

    Dr. Zola
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 4,882 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    DrZola said:


    Congrats! Looking forward to your Path 1 & 3 write ups!

    Dr. Zola

    Thanks. Though you should know better than to quote the entire text. 😜
    Too tired and lazy from my completion run.

    Dr. Zola
    I just thought you were too tired from reading DNA3000's write-up.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,140 ★★★★★

    DrZola said:

    DrZola said:


    Congrats! Looking forward to your Path 1 & 3 write ups!

    Dr. Zola

    Thanks. Though you should know better than to quote the entire text. 😜
    Too tired and lazy from my completion run.

    Dr. Zola
    I just thought you were too tired from reading DNA3000's write-up.
    Actually, that just causes eyestrain. Makes me put on my Coke bottle glasses. 🤓

    Dr. Zola
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