Can we please STOP with these Terrible Side Quests

JoseOkJoseOk Member Posts: 278 ★★
edited December 2023 in General Discussion
Why can’t your team stop making such awful SQs . They take forever and they are just not worth it to anyone, nor are the fun.

I only went for chest rewards last month and this months is even worse (after you changed the methods of obtaining rewards, it wasn’t even good to begin with)

What many of us want to see are rifts from 2019 or moleman esq side quests. Maybe even the Sasquatch one. Rewards that depend on the paths taken, good rewards.

If the rewards are not good or the SQ is not easy, The Side Quest becomes a waste of time for nearly everyone. There is already so much tedious content…

For Paragon and Valiant and even TB, this is not worth our time. Please make these enjoyable.


  • JoseOkJoseOk Member Posts: 278 ★★
    DrZola said:

    It was fine when you could run TL1 for Paragon rewards.

    Dr. Zola

    Always seems to be loophole that I miss because of work. #quittingwork!

    I honestly just don’t think there should be 30 runs aid any given SQ.
  • KeonexKeonex Member Posts: 321 ★★★
    This month and last month’s side quest have been horrible awful grinds. I usually always complete them 100% but last month was my first time to not do it as it was just too much of a grind and by the looks of things this month is going to be another skip
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 1,514 ★★★★
    I was enjoying playing SQ again since I abandoned this mode some months ago due to the lack of worthiness of it, last months were kinda off but still had some good things to take of it, but this months is just a total waste of time and energy, I’m just sticking to explore act 8 where the energy will be more worth spending
  • iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Member Posts: 727 ★★★★
    I understand they make SQ with the intention of make players log in every day during the month, kabam already admit it that, but seriously why do they have to be so grindy? Sometimes is also overcomplicated with no reason -.-
    I sure miss the good old days back in 2019-2020 where we actually had FUN SQ to do, sometimes it seems like they forget that a game it's meant to be fun, wanna make it hard? Sure but fun should be the priority
    @pseudosane i'm also considering skipping this month
  • WarlockjrWarlockjr Member Posts: 809 ★★★
    JoseOk said:

    Why can’t your team stop making such awful SQs . They take forever and they are just not worth it to anyone, nor are the fun.

    I only went for chest rewards last month and this months is even worse (after you changed the methods of obtaining rewards, it wasn’t even good to begin with)

    What many of us want to see are rifts from 2019 or moleman esq side quests. Maybe even the Sasquatch one. Rewards that depend on the paths taken, good rewards.

    If the rewards are not good or the SQ is not easy, The Side Quest becomes a waste of time for nearly everyone. There is already so much tedious content…

    For Paragon and Valiant and even TB, this is not worth our time. Please make these enjoyable.

    last years SQ in december was ok, nothing crazy and this sq is even worse. the fact that they patched the bug kinda stinks cuz now we cant do easy fights for mid rewards.
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian

    I've been skipping side quests for 3 months now. Too much to do, and the rewards aren't worth the headache

    Tbh I’ve been basically skipping EQ too. The effort to unlock gauntlet is not worth it. Maybe if it was just completion it’d be worth it..
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