My updated “Most OP Questing Team in the Game”

Kitty Pryde
Immortal Hulk
Magneto (White)
Think of any defender/node and most likely this team can counter it.
Suicide Masteries On.
Immortal Hulk
Magneto (White)
Think of any defender/node and most likely this team can counter it.
Suicide Masteries On.
Followed by a heal block aspect of nightmare black widow last week.
Activate guidance boost for 15% attack, stun lock with SP2 + Relic and nuke them down.
Also Incursions is a 3 man team so this doesn’t apply.
So what champion could actually counter this? Lol
Unless you can think of a better team that could counter everything… 😉
From what I’ve heard Necropolis is a different animal compared to questing and other Everest content.
- Poison immunity which was missing.
- Gives Hercules 3 feats of strengths at the start of every fight.
- When used with a relic he can chain SP2’s and he’s an absolute nuke.
- Shuts down healing via despair/petrify.
I know OG Hulk fits the last 4 points but being able to cheese certain fights via immortality clutched it for me.
I never said my team can counter everything.
I’m not sure why you and others get so worked up about these kinds of posts. It’s just an interesting thought experiment and I’ve seen this topic discussed before many times.
Crit me with your best shot
Rich get richer
Aspect of nightmare(50% health)
Permanent heal block
Possible counters:
Zemo (to deal with too many debuffs)
Awakened Morbius (to counter fisticuffs)
Onslaught (immunities galore + skill counter
Abs man/Doom (a mystic is always nice)
- Cheat death mechanic to cheese certain fights.
- Poison immunity which was missing.
- Gives Hercules 3 feats of strengths at the start of every fight.
- Shuts down healing via despair/petrify.
Who would you sub I-Hulk for?