Which champion to be used for 200 signature stones | Most useful with high sig
from the GBC got 200 6* stones. Having lots of champions.
but wanted to know who wil be benefit and useful, if it's high sig...
but wanted to know who wil be benefit and useful, if it's high sig...
2. Skill - Aegon, Crossbones and Valkyrie
3. Mutant - Archangel, Kitty Pryde, Namor and Omega Red
4. Tech - Future Ant Man, Guardian, Ultron and Nimrod
5. Cosmic - Angela, Hercules, King Groot and Ronan
6. Mystic - Tigra and Absorbing Man
You wont regret any of the above 200 sigged champs.
Done on nimrod and took to R4 immediately..
No regrets though.
Dr. Zola