Does Sandman suck?

Pulled him from this ‘Gifted Guardian’ crystal. Stepped back from the game from June so had no idea what he does or where he landed until a hour ago. Reading comments and watching videos have gotten me feeling like that was an L.
So, what is the consensus on Sandman? Does he really suck?
So, what is the consensus on Sandman? Does he really suck?
I wonder why Kabam decided to nerf his buff … a stupid call for an iconic character.
an hour**
Sorry grammar police
Does Sandman finish fight fast and deal huge sudden damage? No.
Does Sandman have great utility that allows him to flourish where others might struggle? Yes.
He's a bit like Sym Supreme for me in that, when the right fight comes along, he is gonna make it real fun!
I managed to get 7* Sandman from a Gifted Paragon crystal too!
(I like sandman btw I'm not trying to catch heat lmao)
Probably I'd not be upset if I had pull him in a basic 7* crystal, I'm upset because I pulled him in the most limited crystal of the year, with no chance of duping in a while.
To make it worse, he already got a buff, so we really don't stand a chance to see him shine for a long long time.
Similar situation to my gladiator pull in titan crystal (at least for him I can hope for a buff)
Maybe I'm just misunderstanding: opening a limited, and incredibly difficult to get, crystal, shouldn't result in a pull almost guaranteed to be good, but it shouldn't either get ppl disappointed.
I'm not complaining about sandman to be trash, he's in the wrong crystal rn.
But decent for AW or story content
You know what bothers me? He was a highly requested champion for years, Miike actually said at one point they were unable to make sandman because of the game's limitations at the time and etc, so when he finally shows up at the contest, he's meh and after a buff he's still ok....such trouble to make the champion so AT LEAST he should be able to be great for the most played mode in the game: battlegrounds
Max (or moderately high) sig 7 Star Sandman will not suck - but, you aren't getting sigs on him any time soon, and when sig stones are released, there will likely be other Champions you'd rather put sigs into.
Even without being awoken Sandman still has access to a great list of immunities, resistance and other utility. Can take down Diablo in Necro with ease. As stated above, he may not be amazing, but he doesn't suck. His huge damage is locked behind him being awoken, but he's more than just damage and I'm willing to be more situations like the Necro Diablo fight will arise and give him (even unduped) opportunities to shine.
Reversing healing isn’t a huge achievement. Especially when your sp1 takes 7 seconds from start to finish.