The cutoffs between each rank shrank but they added more ranks so gold is open to more alliances. Moving from gold 1 to 5 is a decent drop though, you must not be scoring as many points or possibly have a lower multiplier than last season. My gold 1 alliance last year is still in gold 1 right now.
Curious how the new war ranks r determined? We went from gold1 to gold5.
Your previous season's Gold-1 rank was just that, for LAST SEASON.
Points start from 0 again for new seasons, and depending on number of BG's you run, wins v losses, etc, and even potential docking of points for wars where someone was found to be cheating, all could contribute to earning less points that prior seasons.
*as well as maybe more alliances reaching higher War Rating compared to your alliance's War Rating (which determines Tier Map Multiplier for wars), so some may have jumped over you due to their higher Multiplier than yours still is.
As to what you asked, overall 500 more alliances have moved up into the new Gold 1-6, than what the old Gold 1-3 used to have. (although at the top end of Gold, there are 100 more alliances that are now moved up into Platinum, so actually Gold has a Net amount of 400 more than previous.)
Points start from 0 again for new seasons, and depending on number of BG's you run, wins v losses, etc, and even potential docking of points for wars where someone was found to be cheating, all could contribute to earning less points that prior seasons.
*as well as maybe more alliances reaching higher War Rating compared to your alliance's War Rating (which determines Tier Map Multiplier for wars), so some may have jumped over you due to their higher Multiplier than yours still is.
As to what you asked, overall 500 more alliances have moved up into the new Gold 1-6, than what the old Gold 1-3 used to have.
(although at the top end of Gold, there are 100 more alliances that are now moved up into Platinum, so actually Gold has a Net amount of 400 more than previous.)