
Why is it that since I became valiant all the store prices are still the same as if I was still paragon?
Shouldn't bgs,glory, and the others have a reduced price now just like when you advance to any other title?
What's up with that?
Shouldn't bgs,glory, and the others have a reduced price now just like when you advance to any other title?
What's up with that?
Post edited by Kabam Crashed on
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I hope kabam responds to this I'd like to hear what they have to say because besides the daily crystal it kinda feels bad to be valiant when you get nothing for achieving it.
Right now, calender and daily crystals are the only benefit along with the paid deals.The stores will get an update eventually.BG store seriously needs an update though as it's been over an year. The rewards are outdated even for paragons I stopped spending my tokens as I get better stuff in daily crystals alone and you should do the same.Bg token cap is 150K.
Hopefully there's gonna be more t6cc and 7* shards available for valiants in stores at a reasonable price. Patience is a virtue.
@Bazooka_1 posted a very valid point.
Then got a very veiled threat about devs dropping his in game account down 2 levels because one of the forum “Guardians” didn’t agree with his very reasonable post.
You guys are very bad at this.
Doesn’t seem like it was obvious to the actual person that was responded to judging by the next response.
I’m guessing not obvious to others either.
Then he goes on to say, "I can ask the devs to put you back to Thronebreaker." and ends his speech there.
There is 0 threat of actually lowering this dude multiple progressions unless OP chooses to take DNA up on that request. Even then, do you think the devs would actually lower someone's progression just because someone asked?
Given the absurdity of the situation, makes it quite apparent to those who know anything about MCOC, that the entire statement is just a joke.
Also OP's take that DNA doesn't provide anything helpful on any threads is quite a hot take considering DNA is the most helpful of all the forum guardians.
(edit, yes, that's the one Pikolu, “Holy Necro Batman”)
Is it still a threat? That’s questionable. Seems to be suggesting that he can if he wants to.
This is a “Guardian” that is supposed to help players in the forum,
What help was provided here?
You actually did provide help with:
“Glory store should be updated from paragon to Valiant IIRC, but it wasn't anything really significant. Going off of past data with Paragon's release, I would expect new stores to come out after awhile. Granted, it would be nice if the new title could have a bunch of perks, like stores updated, day 1 rather than month 6.”
I agreed and upped it.
But I don’t like the bully ****.
I get where you're coming from, but allow people to make jokes. You understand now that DNA isn't bullying OP and that it wasn't a threat. You can also understand OP's reaction to DNA based on their post they necroed themselves.
If you’re only helpful when you want to be, you shouldn’t be a “Guardian”.
Jokes are fine, if they’re actually funny and obvious.
But if you trash and low key threaten a person that doesn’t know that?
I’m absolutely gonna jump in and defend that person.
Also, I'm going to flip your question on yourself. Who decides that a joke is "actually obvious"? Because that joke was extremely obvious to me.
If not, I’d love to track down that too.
A joke is a joke when it’s funny and obvious to you?
If some goofy novel writing forum writer that’s supposed to be a “Guardian” helping people in the forums tells someone they can get devs to rank them down for asking a legitimate question to get them to stop asking questions.
That’s cool?