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Add more 3 and 4* cristal plz

I would like to ask kabam for more than 3 and 4 stars in high level quests, let me explain, I need g99 3* but how can I find it if I don't have access to 3* crystals? I open tens of 6 stars per month so tell me "you must open hundreds of 3* stars then" but no thanks to Kabam's logic it's rare if I open more than 2 3* crystals per month... but why ? because there are no 3* and 4* crystals in the quests after passing a certain level. I'm a paragon I really don't want to have to spend 1000 energy in very low level eq just to have a 3* crystal so here comes my question, WHERE IS THE LOGIC
where is the logic in opening dozens of 6* and 7* crystals per month but struggling to open even one 3*?
why not add some 3 and 4* crystals to the usual rewards in high event quests? Let us be clear, I am not asking to remove good rewards to replace them with 3* or 4* crystals, but why not just add some alongside these already existing rewards? or even for example a 3* selector after having finished an eq above the knight level like that people needing a particular 3* for Carina's challenges are satisfied and those just wanting a particular character for his style or the synergies for example can be happy


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    Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Posts: 1,066 ★★★★
    edited January 5
    You know you can do lower tier eq and sq right? Incursions store has 3* and 4* crystals too, you can open a bunch of them from there.
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    BenjaminboutonBenjaminbouton Posts: 16
    Yes that what i say in my message, i not gonna spend 1000 energy on low level eq juste to have 1/250 chance to get the 3* star i want and i know about incursions store but the price of a 3 star cristal is way to high for what it is (and im paragon so buying 3* cristal when i can buy 7* cristal with the same currency)
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    BenjaminboutonBenjaminbouton Posts: 16
    people disagree but do not post a comment to respond, so according to you it is logical to have easy access to 5/6/7 stars but not to be able to have 3*?
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    Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Posts: 1,066 ★★★★

    Yes that what i say in my message, i not gonna spend 1000 energy on low level eq juste to have 1/250 chance to get the 3* star i want and i know about incursions store but the price of a 3 star cristal is way to high for what it is (and im paragon so buying 3* cristal when i can buy 7* cristal with the same currency)

    Bro idk what to tell you man, that's just rng. Keep an eye out for 3* guilly 2099 in arenas/ eq exploration rewards.

    Idk about adding 3*/4* shards to regular rewards, but a Carinas 3* selector in the store seems like a good option (like the special collector 2* crystal).
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,134 ★★★★★
    I mean lower EQ can be done by auto play, so just do that.
    Sunday arena and crystal arena also give 3* shards crystals.
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    CvlrCvlr Posts: 221 ★★
    Yes plz I need more sh***y rewards in high level content, there's not enough yet 🤣

    Autoplay lower difficulties bro lmao
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    ButtehrsButtehrs Posts: 5,036 ★★★★★

    Yes that what i say in my message, i not gonna spend 1000 energy on low level eq juste to have 1/250 chance to get the 3* star i want and i know about incursions store but the price of a 3 star cristal is way to high for what it is (and im paragon so buying 3* cristal when i can buy 7* cristal with the same currency)

    That's your choice to spend on the 7* crystals though. If you really want 3/4* that bad you can choose to buy them in the store. That's the beauty of a store get what you want when you want it.
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