I was actually thinking the same thing myself. Who do you think the new aq boss would be? I think it would be modok for some reason and ice Phoenix as mini boss
Dear lissbliss, when rmp mentions mixed characters it is clear he is referring to ice Phoenix, whilst not perfectly clear literally, it is quite obvious from the context, when you see that he is addressing both modok and ice Phoenix as the previous comment has commented on both modok and ice Phoenix.
Whaat do you mean by a "mixed character"? Are you referring to champs like Maestro that have the green "omni-class" symbol?
By mixed he means the new mini-bosses in the modok quest like gwenperion,frandstrange or ice Pheonix or a fusion of 2 other characters
I was confused, as that does not describe Modok to me.
No but it describes ice phoenix, come on bud keep up with the conversation
LMAO.....I definitely skipped a sentence....promise I am not drunk....
Nowhere did (s)he say the mixed characters like Ice Phoenix or Gwenperion. They said MODOK. So one would extrapolate they were saying MODOK.
Or another bleed immune mutant hero...someone...”cooler”
Haha please read the 2nd comment and see that it's 2 separate topics.