Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Map 6, P4 Alliance LF 2

Looking for at least 2 to join our alliance.
AQ - Map 6, epic modifiers
AW - Plat 4
BG - 100K minimum participation

Our average account size is 4M+ with about 19k+ prestige. We are looking for similar accounts to join us.

Hit me up if you’re interested.


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    Rcjunk13Rcjunk13 Posts: 11
    I have plat 2 experience and looking for an active group. I don’t see a way to reach out to you. If you have line app, please reach out to me. rcjunkie420 Is my line id.
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    Rcjunk13Rcjunk13 Posts: 11
    TBHR is right close to 4 million and just over 19k prestige. Currently paragon.
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    Truth5601Truth5601 Posts: 35
    My name is in the pic. You can find me in the game at Truth5601. My Line ID is deisel5601.
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