In Defense of High Tier Defenders

01000100 Member Posts: 58
edited March 14 in General Discussion
This whole Defender-fiasco is getting out of hand.

Of course, high tier players have warped views of Defenders, since they're the ones who mainly deal with them.
*(I'm Paragon, not high Valiant)*

They expect to finish every fight with 90%+ health or get upset when they can't solo specific fights.

The best solution is to adapt "with present-day-now in mind", rather than screech "This *feels terrible losing*, I play this game *to win and feel good* seems as though this has been taken away from me; I can't deal with this!".

(Not attacking anyone, just saying Defenders are needed, even if it means I die - which is actually because of input issues...not Defenders)


  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,703 ★★★★★
    I'm fine fighting any defender on this game, it's the AI, the input issues/lag and absolutely hot garbage global nodes I take issue with.
  • Josh2507Josh2507 Member Posts: 708 ★★★★
    Strong defenders are ok, but you also need strong attackers to balance things out

    If you do one without the other then the game begins to feel unfair and overly punishing
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,336 ★★★★★
    Yeah, the issue here isn’t that these champs exist, it’s that they all came out back to back to back. Release these exact same champs with a couple months in between, and we probably don’t see the same reactions.
  • 01000100 Member Posts: 58
    Bro, bugs, glitches, input errors, AI configurations, and connection issues are ones killing me - not the Defenders or nodes.
  • BeeweeBeewee Member Posts: 551 ★★★★
    It’s not the defenders. It’s the rate they’re being put out at, it’s just too much too soon. Even kabam admitted to this. It needs to slow down to give the player base time to adjust.
  • Milan1405Milan1405 Member Posts: 952 ★★★★
    edited March 14
    Also can I just say that these new OP defenders such as bullseye, dust and onslaught are not only being released too near to each other, as Kabam Mike said, but that they also diminish the defensive ability of other champions. Other defenders, previously considered difficult, have begun to lose their spots in people's decks as they are nothing compared to the specific and tough matchups we face in BGs now, on top of all the lag and input issues. Kabam are simply making some champs that were previously only used for defence, borderline irrelevant.
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 3,452 ★★★★
    I agree. The game would be boring if you could do every fight easily with no skill. However, creating a champ when even with max skill and a evade counter, u take bleed damage is bonkers imo
  • ORHypeBuffedORHypeBuffed Member Posts: 25
    Catmanndo said:

    Tell me Deathless King Groot can counter some of these defenders and balance will be restored…

    Until everything else gets patched lol

  • 01000100 Member Posts: 58

    The game does need good defenders. The problem isn't necessarily that there are hard defenders newly released; it's the combination of a lot of different factors.

    We're seeing a very high frequency of top level defenders coming out at the same time Valiants can outright purchase them months before most people can reasonably get them and when there's also major AI/input issues that need to be fixed.

    I'm paragon too, just waiting on 8.4 to become Valiant. I'm feeling it too in BG as I'm facing mostly stacked Valiant accounts with these new defenders.

    Reasonable response.
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