Got 7* Ant-Man a little too much

I got 7* Ant-Man... 3 times in a row. Three times.
Considering that the basic pool is approximately large of 50 champs that's less that 1 chance out of 100 000. And the fun fact that is before these 3 last crystals, my Ant-Man was already duped.

So I think that whatever you opened from your 3 last crystals, you are waaay luckier than me. I have 29 7* and 3 dupes btw.
Considering that the basic pool is approximately large of 50 champs that's less that 1 chance out of 100 000. And the fun fact that is before these 3 last crystals, my Ant-Man was already duped.

So I think that whatever you opened from your 3 last crystals, you are waaay luckier than me. I have 29 7* and 3 dupes btw.
Good news you don’t need sigs anymore
It's always the duds, either from 6* features, you'll get 4 goblins, 3 Spiderman or 5 Doctor octopus but never you will get 4-5 actual featured champs.
Emma Frost(was mad that i got another freaking mutant(prof x was my first 7*) but i tried her out in rol and shes not to bad. Second basic was gamora and tbh she is amazing!!!. I love using gam gam and i might take her to r2. Then i got my 3rd 7* basic crystal and I thought i'm gonna get #### but I managed to pull silk on monday and it honestly made my day so good and she might be a r2 or even r3 like gam gam might be.
Most of the new threads about good champions being pulled are along the lines of "I pulled BLANK, is this champion any good?".
Because they're not.
You telling me the lottery is rigged because of RNG too?
You know what ? All hits were criticals. The probability ? 0.122^7*100=0.00004%
1 out of 2 500 000. Niiice