Thank you for making “Spring Cleaning” worse than most of us expected

Whales will get their 7 star Deadpool and a few rank ups and champs, but nobody will be going out of the event with a bunch of new r3 7 stars like we thought beforehand.
Thanks for saving me $s 🫡
July 4th, That was a massive mistake.
Playing for 6 years continuously didn't matter, newer people overtook old players in one day of spending.
That'll never happen again
These Bundles and offers are not over ther top, but they are perfect.
Shows us the exact difference between a 'WHALE" and a 'nemo'.
Buy units for spring cleaning, spend them on omega event. You'll get a lot of items and a lot of rankups.
For me it was great, but looking back on it, I can see how it came across the way it did for a lot of people.
I’m Paragon, i’ve only done 1 run in necro, 1 run through act 8 and explored 8.1…so, i’ll save my $s and go for act 8 exploration to become valiant.
Thats fine, just hoped i didn’t have to 🥵🥵
I will prob buy 2 x R4>R5 gems, for BG, for the «free» poolies…thats nice 2 🫡
2. How can I avoid these people?
2. Inhale for 6 sec, hold for 6 sec, exhale for 6 sec, hold for 6 sec.
3. Repeat 3 times.
4. Feel how the stress leaves the body.
Whales are getting "extra" from poolies to have units for next week.
Y'all always feel so entitled
Kabam is not obligated to offer these FREE rewards yet they do and y'all still look for anything negative to say