" Not everybody wins that Promo code "
New Promo code already expired before 24 hrs . Everyone knows everybody's time is different in the world. And they have to give atleast 24hrs for new promo code. But the new one expired within minutes. It is global game and it has to be consider global players.
Please set the time for 24hrs
Please set the time for 24hrs
My mistake...
Rewarding those in the right timezome.
Disadvantaging the rest of the world.
Typical unbalanced Kabam behaviour really.
Do you get mad at other streamers on Twitch who do twitch drops when you aren't watching?
Have a screenshot to show I entered the code during the correct time. Let's see if Kabam support helps or not
I started writing this as a joke but then I thought of all the times that I played drowsy. Occasionally in a state of half sleep my thumbs will still move and I will wake up and find that I miraculously won a fight. I have also played drowsy with moving thumbs and woken up and found that I have purchased something with units that I did not want at all...
To be clear if the shoe was on the other foot I would still complain for those who didn't get it.
You grubs are problem with the community and why things never change.
But you prefer take 5min of your time writing a nonsense block instead of reading all the available info to you.
And why call the promo code “EVERYBODYWINS” when that’s clearly not the case.