2 Looking for Map7/8 Alliance

My homie and I are looking for an alliance that will help us earn 5k glory weekly. You can HMU in game @ The Reckoner or message me here. While AQ is our main interest, we will participate in all the required events of whichever alliance we join.


  • Seamus2099Seamus2099 Member Posts: 73
    Hit me up on Line. Seamus2099. We run AQ map 6 with mods so we get over 5k Glory weekly. I need to replace a few asap so we don’t miss out on more glory.
  • TheninThenin Member Posts: 51

    We are a map 8 alliance. No mods. Do raids. G1 in war and no bg min. Get roughly 6k glory a week.

    Add me on line: mr.thenin if interested
  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 405 ★★
    edited May 24
    Hi. New alliance. Will start at map 6 initially as people join up, then will shift to map 7. Raids as soon as we have enough Paragons. Starting with one war BG, but not compulsory until a lot of people join. Discord/Line recommended. Hit me up on Line @archit1812
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