Looking for Alliance

19.3k prestige
strictly look for alliances focused on AQ, Raids, and BG.

Lined ID - El-Mogambo
In game ID - El-Mogambo


  • Dan__4Dan__4 Member Posts: 77
    We have 6 competitive BGs alliances. Send me a message on Line- dantheman4
    I couldn’t find you on Line, I sent you an invite in game
  • Kartikey21Kartikey21 Member Posts: 37
    Line id kartikey21 message me there
  • Seamus2099Seamus2099 Member Posts: 73
    Couldn’t find you on Line. Hit me up at Seamus2099 if still looking
  • Avenger_A1Avenger_A1 Member Posts: 337
    We're running AQ maps 665 (one BG raid) - glory rewards 5000+ per week.

    AW is gold tier one BG optional, semi-competitive, no stress. Would be great if you're interested in no-stress no-items war to help us run another war BG.

    Battlegrounds is mandatory, 50k minimum, which is easy if you play just a couple of matches per day or every other day.

    Alliance name: District 10 (Tag: DTEN)
    Contact in-game: Avenger A-1
    Line ID: avenger-a-1
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